This Virgo Hates Air Signs

Posted by 25thDecan
I could give examples of people-relatives and otherwise to the contrary. If you "polarize" yourself from people based on such interactions, you'll become a cynic to all but a few people. While I can respect anyone's choice to do that, it WOULD leave you to be completely decieved by those you "feel" you are connected to via your "un-hate" of them. LOL!
Let bad people hang themselves without you expecting them to be bad I say.

That's said- I DO hate scorpio women..lmao...too funny

As I've learned in psychology, if you "hate" someone, you're only going to search for the bad qualities in them before anything else, even if you aren't consciously aware that you are doing it. Also if you treat someone in such a way, they are more likely to commit a self-fulfilling prophecy which just justifies why you hate them lol. Either way, it's a lose-lose.