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Posted by s3xyasitcomes1
My question is for all virgo men. why is it that when cancer women share our deepest secrets with yall in the mix of an argument you throw it back in our face knowing that it gonna hurt us. Why are virgo men so critical with there words towards women is it that there trying to intentionally hurt us in the worse possible way. How do virgo men really feel about a cancer woman. Sometime i feel that virgo men dont appreciate a good cancer woman who does any and everything for them and this is why we get crushed at the end. Why do virgo men feel that cancer women are sneaky and that we are cheaters, like do they really misunderstand cancer woman because we are sometimes shy or we hold back alot? i need answers.
Posted by VirgoVixxxen
My sister said the exact same thing about Shania's husband possibly resenting her because of her success. I think this situation is definitely going to usher her into a new level of independence. I don't ever think it's a good idea to make your partner you "everything".
She said after her divorce she didn't know how she would produce another album again without him, and she didn't think any man would want to marry her after being rejected by her husband. You should have seen the look on Oprah's face. It's almost like she couldn't see outside of herself. All she could see was him. So beautiful, talented...and married again (even though in a weird twist of fate it's to the ex-husband of the very ex-best friend MaryAnne who cheated with her husband...*GASP*). All the best to her.
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