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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
She's had time to reflect on things & as much as it pains her, she prefers being single.
That's why taking a "break" is 1 of the worsts things to do in a relationship. It involves running from the problem not facing/solving it. And then when it's time to talk about coming back, the person remembers that their issues with you aren't resolved, thus they remind themselves of why they broke up with you, furthermore reminding themselves as to why they shouldn't come back
During the relationship, she was emotional. But now that she's had time to get her normal "logical" Aqua self back, that's something she's not gonna let go of very easily...especially since being "logical" is her comfort zone & something she was before you.
Either way, there's NO victory in getting her back just for the sake of having her back if the problems aren't solved, b/c it'll just leave you both in the same spot 2 months from now.
There's NO victory in only getting her back b/c you had to guilt, manipulate or pressure her back. No, you oughta want her to come back on her own b/c she naturally wanted to & felt it was worth it
Give her time to clear her head. Give her time to excersize her RIGHT to make a logical decision on whether or not a relationship with you is more toxic than it is healthy.
Yes she still loves you...feelings don't go away over night. BUT her need for peace, sanity & for space OUTWEIGH the feelings she's got for you.
And to an extent, you oughta respect her for that. She's a strong gal with a backbone. She's strong enough to do what most people can't do which is remove themselves from the storm so that they can make a better more logical decision on what to do next. That's a GOOD thing =)
The fact that she's still in contact with you & is honest about her feelings for you means that she hasn't completely emotionally detached YET. She may altogether if enough time passes, but then again she may not
You can't control her, nor can you control the outcome so for right now just focus on you. It's easier said than done, but trust me, driving yourself crazy over this won't bring her back faster!
If she sees you doing/being something she didn't expect, it'll grab her curiosity & bring her back to you. If she's not used to you not needing her, then don't be dependent on her & it'll surprise her & turn her on.
If she sees you focusing on yourself, she'll have more faith in you that if she comes back things will change =)
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Mar 18, 2011Comments: 42 · Posts: 2899 · Topics: 50
this is why i thank fuck for booze and weed
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
I'm sitting here thinking about my taurus friend(yes, him again), as I'm trying to get him out of my system, so I write a list the bad things he's done that hurt me(came up with 10), then I wrote all the things he's done to make me smile(came up with 19, and still counting).
I thought it would also be interesting if I wrote a list of the bad and good I've done for him. I've never done anything bad, that I know of, but with my list of good I could only come up with 3 things *sigh* Maybe I was so cautious of boundaries that I really didn't put in a lot of effort, which forced him to do things to hurt me now I realize, or maybe I'm just that guarded. Either way, this has me wondering about how I'd be in a relationship. I would definitely like a guy to miss me when I'm away, but that's not going to happen with a list of three good things I have, or rather, am willing to offer. I think that's why I get so confused on why a guy likes me in the first place lol.
But I just wonder from people that are friends with Caps or who have dated Caps, and from Caps themselves, do we give more than we take, or do we take more than we give?
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Aug 16, 2007Comments: 93 · Posts: 6284 · Topics: 96
Nipple piercings are so frigging hot