Aqua Girl left me

She's had time to reflect on things & as much as it pains her, she prefers being single.
That's why taking a "break" is 1 of the worsts things to do in a relationship. It involves running from the problem not facing/solving it. And then when it's time to talk about coming back, the person remembers that their issues with you aren't resolved, thus they remind themselves of why they broke up with you, furthermore reminding themselves as to why they shouldn't come back
During the relationship, she was emotional. But now that she's had time to get her normal "logical" Aqua self back, that's something she's not gonna let go of very easily...especially since being "logical" is her comfort zone & something she was before you.
Either way, there's NO victory in getting her back just for the sake of having her back if the problems aren't solved, b/c it'll just leave you both in the same spot 2 months from now.
There's NO victory in only getting her back b/c you had to guilt, manipulate or pressure her back. No, you oughta want her to come back on her own b/c she naturally wanted to & felt it was worth it
Give her time to clear her head. Give her time to excersize her RIGHT to make a logical decision on whether or not a relationship with you is more toxic than it is healthy.
Yes she still loves you...feelings don't go away over night. BUT her need for peace, sanity & for space OUTWEIGH the feelings she's got for you.
And to an extent, you oughta respect her for that. She's a strong gal with a backbone. She's strong enough to do what most people can't do which is remove themselves from the storm so that they can make a better more logical decision on what to do next. That's a GOOD thing =)
The fact that she's still in contact with you & is honest about her feelings for you means that she hasn't completely emotionally detached YET. She may altogether if enough time passes, but then again she may not
You can't control her, nor can you control the outcome so for right now just focus on you. It's easier said than done, but trust me, driving yourself crazy over this won't bring her back faster!
If she sees you doing/being something she didn't expect, it'll grab her curiosity & bring her back to you. If she's not used to you not needing her, then don't be dependent on her & it'll surprise her & turn her on.
If she sees you focusing on yourself, she'll have more faith in you that if she comes back things will change =)

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Posted by KittyKnitter
Leos and Tauruses do go well together like hot and spicy. They have challenging aspects but there is a lot that goes into making us who we are and our sun sign is only part of it. Half seriously, the bull in my life once said that he would win a physical fight between us and sure he is bigger, stronger and possibly uglier, lol. Sure he might win. But I am a born hunter, I have strategies for not being anyone's meal, lol. My Leo cousin, who is female also, told me to tell him that Lions can eat bulls, I have no idea if that is true but he pulled in his horns, lol. If only because he was laughing too hard at my sense of humor, which matches his in its weirdness.
So we both have intense personalities. We want what we want when we want it but we know also that we are willing to work for it because we want to keep what we get. From life and from each other. We both tend to go on the offensive when feeling defensive but he tends to strike first and ask questions later whereas I try not to strike. Be honest yes but rememeber he has feelings. I tend to be more tactful and look for the cause of the attack before I decide what to do next and I also tend to work out a way to resolve things.That is a woman thing not a sign thing.
We both are good parents, loving children to our parents, and we are loyal to our friends. We believe in being there no matter what and we believe in taking care of our own business and trying to keep our nose out of other people's.We have learned more about ourselves than we thought possible and we share an amazing connection because we really are not all that different in our values and we like most of the differences we see. Friendship has to be the basis of a relationship for Leo and Taurus. Honesty and trust is something both signs value.
Both can learn to ask for what they want instead of pushing for it. Both need to communicate their wants and needs and it might take time and more talking for the other person to understand what we are trying to say. The better each knows themselves, the easier it is to do this. There are sparks in many ways and lots to learn still. It is extremely rewarding and I wouldn't change who he is or who I am. It makes life a very interesting journey.

O wow this helps me alot as i am with a LeO man wow alot of things u said in here sounds alo like us!! thanks for posting this up!!! keep going
Posted by MadameAthena
BTW? Me need to impress you?... Who the fuck are anyways? You don't sign my checks and you sure don't give me my grades, so I would say. NO ONE SPECIAL.

You go girl.
We know you all that. With your Ivy League education, we are mere mortals compared to the greatness that is inside you.
Man, had i known you had all this greatness in you i would have deleted my account as I cannot compete with not only your intelligence but your epic STRUGGLE.
People that truly struggle, become humble when they make it. I guess the struggle just made you feel arrogant and a complete jackass.
But you'll keep coming back for more. thats what jackasses do.

this is why i thank fuck for booze and weed
Posted by KittyKnitter
Well I am Leo sun with Taurus moon and I have never been told I was cookiemonstery, lol. I have a hard time picturing that but I can say that the mix is an interesting one. I always thought that my traits were due to being a cancer leo cusp and that is bad enough but with a Taurus moon too? well let's say I have a tough time sometimes knowing what I really want but I am straightforward and honest as well as being reliable and dependable so once I figure it out, I work on a plan for ages till I get what I am after. I am big on planning but I have learned to roll with the punches too. Both leos and tauruses have tough hides.
I am loyal to friends and family, as you would expect someone with a Taurus moon to be. As well, U like my privacy and I make my own decisions. I think that no one should judge me based on what I do or how much money I make. I think friendship needs to be the basis of a solid relationship and sometimes people should be friends rather than lovers. I don't believe in friends with benefits and I know love with one person can last a lifetime if like is the basis of the relationship.
Sure I might act a little crazy now and then but that is just to throw people off. The guy I am dating is a Taurus sun with Cancer moon and he and I match well but he would say he knows me but doesn't understand me. Sometimes the differences are in how men and women think, not necessarily their sign. Also he is mars Taurus but venus Cancer so how he feels doesn't always come out in what he says or does. He is very careful and seldom lets down his guard. I am a bigger risk taker and put my feelings and thoughts out there for him to see and hear whether he wants to know them or not, lol. But I am not manipulative. If I cannot get something honestly I don't want it. Bad karma. Bites you every time.

can someone tell me how i can find out about sun/moon/etc??? I'm a taurus born May 12 1974 at 12:07pm can you link me to where i can find out or help me with the information i just posted?
I'm sitting here thinking about my taurus friend(yes, him again), as I'm trying to get him out of my system, so I write a list the bad things he's done that hurt me(came up with 10), then I wrote all the things he's done to make me smile(came up with 19, and still counting).
I thought it would also be interesting if I wrote a list of the bad and good I've done for him. I've never done anything bad, that I know of, but with my list of good I could only come up with 3 things *sigh* Maybe I was so cautious of boundaries that I really didn't put in a lot of effort, which forced him to do things to hurt me now I realize, or maybe I'm just that guarded. Either way, this has me wondering about how I'd be in a relationship. I would definitely like a guy to miss me when I'm away, but that's not going to happen with a list of three good things I have, or rather, am willing to offer. I think that's why I get so confused on why a guy likes me in the first place lol.
But I just wonder from people that are friends with Caps or who have dated Caps, and from Caps themselves, do we give more than we take, or do we take more than we give?
Posted by aPiscesPrincess

I can't tan to save my life, I just burn and freckle lol :X

Freckle and Burn......just sounds funny.
Nipple piercings are so frigging hot
Posted by westside
Posted by 69virgo

if shes lucky!
and congratulations!!
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awwee thankkkkk YOuuu!!!
Posted by 69virgo

Huh? gemini?? meaning??? im lost!