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Jun 09, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 279 · Topics: 52
YES So true about we put our others before our selves .. yes we can be clingy but once we notice we are bothering you we wil lback of for GOOD ...Love is UNCONDITIONAL even after you hurt us we will still forgive and forget... AS LONG as you dont repeat anything that will remind us of it ... Yes me personally i can not hold a lie i will tell you even if it makes me look bad but i know i told you a truth .. SMART yes .. by boyfriend calls me his smart genius lol because i know alot sometimes he wont talk becvause he wants me to talk about everything .. especially if i start with DID YOU KNOW lol awww i wish i could find someoen to be with for 22 yrs lol to bad i am about that age lol
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Aug 31, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 6859 · Topics: 162
But how the hell did you find your chinese rising?
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Aug 31, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 6859 · Topics: 162
and it also seems a bit unfair on the pigs as well because i read somewhere that the pig isn't the best animal to have with all it's negative qualities. It's also the last in the cycle but once mastered it's said to be one the best as well? O_o
I'm a snake mehehehehe
Just leave him already! Why think so much about HOW when he couldn't give a toss about your feelings?
Time is ticking away and you're still stuck with a moron who's making you miserable. Why waste one more precious second on this pathetic excuse of a human being?
How to leave? Never contact or see him again. If he asks, you say, "I'm done." Firm and short. No getting into they whys and listening to his bullcrap.
Change your number, move, whatever you need to, just get this psycho out of your life.
Maybe talk to a professional and find out why you have such low self-esteem. He's beaten you down to the point where you've lost your identity and don't even know what to think.
It's emotional abuse, I know, I had a similar situation and hate myself for having put up with it for so long.
I wish you well hun. Be strong!!
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Jul 08, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 4081 · Topics: 4
I just KNEW you'd be able to identify with him, libragemmale.. because you're both bigtime flirts, and neither of you ever intended to follow through on your bit of funsies. Your story just set off such strong deja vu in me that I felt nauseated. You and he are very, very similar I think. Flirts, not cheats. Totally in love with your woman, and would be absolutely knocked into the DIRT to lose her. I hope you don't need it to actually HAPPEN to know that.
I feel amused that you feel defensive of him.. you identify with him, you SEE how it could be taken all wrong, as more serious than the funsies it really was (to you).. and *I* am here to tell you the OTHER side, how your "harmless flirting" gone too far (to her) can WRECK a woman's trust in you. You don't want that, trust me.
I'm *incredibly* patient (Taurus Moon haha).. it's been his one saving grace. He has a CHANCE.. slim, but definitely there... but six months ago, it was DONE, OVER, and I would not even SPEAK to him or respond to his frenzied texts and calls and IMs, much less allow him to SEE me in person for WEEKS. He jumped through flaming hoops to get this second chance, and he really IS trying hard, really knocking my socks off. God, I sometimes feel SO BAD for what he has to go through right now.. then I remind myself that he brought this on himself.. and if he doesn't have the strength or desire to do everything in his power to rebuild this.. then he's not the man for me, period. And I won't apologize for demanding the absolute BEST this man can give me... the amount of "best" lurking in him that's suddenly gotten a violent shove into the light.. really took me by surprise. GOD, I love this man. OMG you Libra men are like Kryptonite... how the HELL do you do it?? You should all come with warning labels, damnit. :p
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Aug 31, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 6859 · Topics: 162
9:36 i'm a snake rising as well! weird
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Aug 31, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 6859 · Topics: 162
no ones ever called me a snake?
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Aug 31, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 6859 · Topics: 162
How about you has anyone ever called you a horse?