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Jul 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 665 · Topics: 52
Aw. Do you think if you called she'd talk? Or is it at a nasty stage where she'd ignore you?
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Sep 26, 2010Comments: 34 · Posts: 2312 · Topics: 21
"don't be out of the picture...this is what I was afraid what's going to happen if I tell you"...
Do you,in your heart believe this?
I can only say that Taurus' take commitment seriously.for a Taurus to decide to let go and get a divorce,to break up their family...well it didn't happen over was struggled with,in the depths of the soul for some time.
it's not something taken lightly,and although there may be a few Taurus players out there...they are a rare exception...especially where possibly hurting their children for no good reason is concerned.
I believe him,and I believe he was trying to do this without dragging you in...but you contacted him and it was inevitable.
If you love him,I think you should tell him so.then you explain you don't want to complicate things,and when he has divorce papers to show you,you'll talk to him.
My Pisces moon only knows black and while I understand your concern for his wife and kids,imo it is really between don't know the details,you don't know her,and you don't know it's all his fault (or yours by default,which I know is what you are thinking.).
I guess my point is,he's a grown man making a hard's a choice about HIS life,and I'm sure he's afraid.that's why he didn't tell you from the get go.
If you love him,and trust his judgment....then let him know,but then tell him you're removing yourself from the situation until he is free.
I believe he just needs to know you won't abandon him.
Do I think it's ok for a man to leave his wife and kids for another woman? absolutely not.
Do we know that's really why he is leaving? I don't.
Do we know that life has really bad timing sometimes? we should.
Sometimes things are already in a shambles,and something or someone appears and acts as a catalyst to enable the change that was already coming.
If you have concerns about his honesty,make him show you the papers.
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Aug 09, 2011Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
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Aug 09, 2011Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
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I am very gratefull for your reply.
I am phone shy (I always think that my accent isn't good enough) so we don't comunicate much except to setup where and when he is going to take me out.
I don't know if there are real obstacles or if I am creating them. Just the fact that dating in europe and in the US is so different kinda scares me.
LOL hot! I am pretty confident myself, I like to keep my body extremely fit with a bit of meat in the right places and my unusual face and eyes usually also work well.
I think he was shocked with the first dinner, he probably thought that I was gonna dress up like crazy and I just present myself casual (my casual is very groomed though). He kept saying how cute I was (and later on something about sexy and cute is not a myth?!).
It is still weird, in my country animals or kids are cute, not women closing 30.
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Aug 09, 2011Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
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Aug 09, 2011Comments: 265 · Posts: 18811 · Topics: 125
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