Posted by Maddy
Leave him alone, and yeah cancers like a strong woman who is independant and confident and who will not put up with their shit. I've been with a cancer for 3 years now, I'm moving in with him in a week. It was hard in the beginning, hot/cold, push/pull, unpredictable at times. He would disappear for days, and then come back like nothing happened. They don't open up easily, they need to feel secure and they will test you to make sure you will stay with them no matter what.
I'm a gem and I'm very straight forward with him, when he disppeared I did too, I would ignore his text, his phone calls and he would end up at my house. So basically don't contact him firt, let him to the do work, the more you push the more he will shell. Don't let him see yo sweat over him, get busy, life your life like you always did. Don't take shit from him and trust me he will respect you for it. Just be honest. If his behavior bothers you let him cuz if you don't he's going to think it's acceptable to do it.
Learned the hard way.
Good luck
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