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Posted by aries123
this has nothing to do with my ego thank you!! far from it.
Posted by lotuslily
P Angel, I'd like to see you have the spine to say that to my face!
Posted by jru2
I'm such a rebel, with my 'non-tinted' windows. I swear, the govt. is way too involved in our lives. Building codes say I have to put tinted windows in my house to make it more energy efficient.
Posted by aPiscesPrincessPosted by scorchedearthPosted by PurrrrHissss
I hate it. To me, there's nothing sexy about watching women who were (in most cases) sexually abused as children and/or raped be further degraded on camera by scumbags (particularly in hardcore pornography). It turns my stomach.
Imagination > Porn
i'm glad i read through part of the rest of the thread before posting... but,that's my thoughts on it exactly.
there's nothing sexy about watching some girl get even more degraded and even more used by men who want nothing but demean and disrespect someone that they don't care about, and never will.
it further perpetuates the idea that women are willing cum-buckets for men to pose and repose like some sort of flesh barbie that is their to fulfill whatever sexual "needs" they think they have that day.
as far as sex itself is concerned, there's very few things i wouldn't do with an open minded partner.
porn is not sex.
porn is consensual rape recorded for the world to see.
Yep. I know all porn isn't bad, but some is really degrading. When it has the power to make you cry looking at it, then something's wrong. It's not enjoyable to watch and you know it's not enjoyable to the girls having the act done to them.click to expand
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