neptune's playground

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Posted by Wynter

thats unfortunate
Posted by brianafay
This is what was posted
Posted by SagittarianMind
We usually categorize signs by their element, quality, and polarity. But I found an interesting astrological concept that classifies the signs as personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal.

Personal Signs - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer - are principally aware of and concerned with individual concerns.
Interpersonal Signs - Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio - are principally aware of and concerned with social and societal concerns.
Transpersonal Signs - Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces - are principally aware of and concerned with humanitarian and existential concerns.

Aries came in and disagreed with Aries being in the Personal category since she thinks Aries are very generous people and she thinks the other fire signs : Leo and Sag to be far more unaware and self-centered.


click to expand

Thanks for clearings things up for everyone. Otherwise most people from this board would have turned against me.
Posted by bluemoon9043834
Posted by allme
I luv crabs!!!
weak & emotional my ass
OD Winking

... lmfao! This one is as funny as the Sag one.
click to expand

This one is funny, cracks me up. Thanks for the smile and good chuckle Winking
Posted by VirgoVixxxen
LOL, what are you talking about?

Well it seems that everywhere I look, people's perspective about Virgos are always negative, & they also mention that Virgos are like this, they're like that, we don't do this, we don't do that. Damn, I am just sick of hearing and/or seeing it because we are for damn sure not the same.
Ahhh hahhha haaaa haaa, hip went and hid her first comment to OP. What a putz. Hides the post where she basically tells Honey that she is the root of all Scorps problems. If you're so proud of yourself kitty, kitty, kitty, then why the fuck did you hide that post? So proud of your thoughts, and who and how you think of others? Where you've come from???? Kitty wanna play hide and seek? Cat and mouse? So much for you standing up for what you believe in, again, hypocrite. You either don't want to either face that what I said to you was trruuuuuuuuuuueeeee, or you want me to look like the marker and poor YOU again are the victim. I know at some point, if you haven't already, will take me off of your 'I hate you list so you're ignored' just to see what I had to say. Your ego is too huge not to. Unhide that post you piece of shit, face your demons, and face OP for calling her wrong when you were telling her she was no better than all of the victims you left and she deserved what she was getting....what a twit you are. *snickers*
Posted by 25thDecan
No two people are quite alike. That's a great thing. Contrasts, correlations and chords......

Play it again Sam! I concur!!!
I've been meaning to ask for awhile now llt,what year were you born?
or your age...either one. Winking
Posted by PurrrrHissss
Dazed, stop confusing your wet dreams with real life.