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Jul 08, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 4081 · Topics: 4
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
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Apr 01, 2011Comments: 145 · Posts: 2210 · Topics: 91
lol okay wot. thanks for your contribution.
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Jan 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 153 · Topics: 11
Hi I need someone to explain to me why I am so attracted to this guys...he is like a drug to me.. I think about him all the time all day long...but we cant act ourselves around each other... I feel like theres some karma or something between us because our connection is bigger than what most peoples connections are....
We understand each other without words, and when we talk we usually talk the same thing at the same time... We are so similar.. it is crazy...our sexual tension is unbelievable...but it is hard ot get to him... our "thing" is hot and cold... when I run he pushes me back when he runs I push him back...its so weird but at first I thought he likes me bc he is always looking at me when I am somewhere but he cant talk to me normal like he does to other people he is uncomfortable around me I know... but he always invites me to hangout with his friends. But I told him I liked him and he didnt do anything. Its weird I almost cant explain...\
my chart
sun scor
moon scor
mercury scor
venus sag
mars lib
jupiter aries
saturn sag
uranus sag
neptune cap
pluto scorp
ac cap
Sun Aries
Moon tau
merc aries
venus aqua
mars aqua
jupiter cancer
saturn cap
uranus cap
nept cap
pluto scorp
ac can
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Dec 22, 2009Comments: 438 · Posts: 33721 · Topics: 241
Swing? No effing way. Go for it if you wanna, but I'm way too territorial for that crapola. If someone suggested it I'd tell them to pound sand.
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Dec 22, 2009Comments: 438 · Posts: 33721 · Topics: 241
Card carrying member of the Non-Swingers Club, since 1971.
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Dec 14, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 310 · Topics: 10
Just finished "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar onto "Slouching Towards Bethlethem" by Joan Didion
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Jul 09, 2010Comments: 4 · Posts: 1112 · Topics: 21
i haven't dated a virgo man either...probably which is good for me. LOL
however, i'm pretty certain one was attracted to me and had deep feelings for me. but reading him was so hard. one day he would give me subtle signs as coy smiles and subtle compliments. the next day, he'd be cold and even accusatory with me in ways that made zero sense. his wavering actions had me completing guessing as to his genuine motives and how i should act. however, i didn't try to change myself in any manner, but just stayed true to myself. i'm not into games nor facades.
you've stated how VW are different from VM, stating women are mentally stronger and don't fall apart as easily as a VM. so would it be accurate to assume that if you've said something to a VM that could potentially hurt him (but was based on factual information), and he has deep feelings for you, he will be strongly affected by that? will it undermine your relationship with him? can he forgive and forget or will he never feel the same about you and convince himself he no longer has feelings for you?
thanks for your insight.