What r the signals when a virguy thinks its over

Posted by P-Angel
Posted by Scorporella
And capgirl - I'm not meaning to sound mean with this, but why is it on every thread in which someone comes here to seek advice about their virgo, do you turn the thread around to be about you and your virgo?

capgirl doesn't have a Virgo ... she's a wannabe
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why dont you sit yo hatin ass down somewhere.. the minute someone comes and gives their perspective you wanna come with yo one sided ass view points...no one asked you weather i have one or not, thing is you think you got one, and you dont, no one owns anyone, if you fuck wit em then yall know what it is, problem here wit you is just cause yours married yo old ass you think you did something others cant. which is wrong literally speakin , like how old are you???how long did it take before he actually did give into you ? I seen on one thread you say you knew him for years, he was always wantin more of you...Baby, Mine is all over me, and Im on it it, regardless of the dumb shit like your statement , just means I no longger need view points, cause he aint goin nowhere , When I get the ring I will be flashin it on here (trust and believe hun) Reality here sets in , Your an old, bored out of your mind, want to be psychologist(who I bet has no degree) keep throwin your opinions out there about what is advice not what the fuck I got or not hun, cause when it is all said and done, You are a non fuckin factor, tellin people on here they dont have someone, when they reach out like every other person on these threads does, is somethin you do cause you got too much times on yo hand. it seems like since I joined here you been following me, cause everytime i look around you spreadin yo clitoris to me like I m gone nut.. hun I am seriously gettin tired of yo negative emotional drag queen ass!!!!!!!
Burn at the steak witch...and quit fuckin followin me . if you read somethin you dont like that i said then , that does not mean you have to say shit to me or comment to others about me ..you gave yo un asked for opinion and seen it was not taken move the fuck on and grow the fuck up