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Jun 09, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 279 · Topics: 52
hahah wow thats what me and my ex are now shhes
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
It sure would make life easier if people actually "got" each other.
This is his way of getting off the phone without saying .. "I don't want to talk any more right now" ... because that would ultimately hurt your feelings. So, instead, he has a little thing he says to get off the phone.
But, instead of you actually getting this after 4 times ... because you want more of him, your emotions refuse to let you think about peronality patterns and nuances. If you didn't like him, you would have likely gotten it right away.
It seems that once a woman has feelings for a guy ... all rational mind and logic she once had flies out of the window.
Perhaps, after the 400th time he does it .. the light might go off in your head that he wants off the phone, and uses this little method of accomplishing it without having to be outright rude?
Or maybe not, since you are a female with feelings for him .. perhaps you wont' be able to get anything except for your own feelings that tell you to pounce on every little word or action, just to make absolutely positively sure that he realizes you are desperate to have him know you are emotional.
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Apr 01, 2011Comments: 145 · Posts: 2210 · Topics: 91
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
seriously. id rather snack than eat meals.