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Posted by everevolvingepithet
Hope it gets better. Can't think of anything else to say but here's some cake.
Posted by virgodreamzPosted by RealTalk
^^^People tend to generalize because they're dumb as fuck & can't see past their bias ways with their cookie crumb ass brains. Once an individual has had any involvement with a sun sign & it turned out to be a negative relationship be it a man, woman, mom, dad, friend, bf, whatever, they always play the martyr & claim they now hate EVERY person under that sun sign & that they're ALL akin to each other.
What stupid fuckers don't realize is people grow up differently, have different environments, life style s, & OTHER influences in their birth chart. But simple people put everyone in the same category. Dumb ass inept fucks.
Yeah that settles it I'm a Real Talk groupie now.
Also I scrolled through the thread so sorry if this was touched on already but O.P. did you talk to your BF about the kissing problem?click to expand
Posted by Nights22Posted by tbird
lol Nights your awesome!!! For me...if we talk for a hour that is fine you don't have to contact me again. But if you sent a hey text. Then a couple of hours say what are you doing or what not I'm fine with that! But the lets talk for hours then give a 30 min break if you don't call me after then hell would be paid. Oh no, no... that's too much.
How about this just some sort of contact in a day. Agree or your like leave me alone woman for 3 to 4 days?
haha um either she or I probably contact every day or every other day. I do have the dreadeddd aqua venus but I usually dont do the no contact for a few days. I like to contact every day.click to expand
Posted by tbird
Be strong my dear Libra.. in no time you will find yourself without heartbreak. It may take a bit but eventually things do get easier with time. Don't throw away your cell hun you'll regret that because you will eventually have to get another.
Keep busy, surround yourself around things you love to do and people you love to be around. If you feel yourself getting all mushy again about him then try to think of the reasons of why you said enough. The heart has a tendency to over look the issues and the bad that initiated the original decision to leave. Remind yourself over and over again until it becomes subconscious when you think of him you think of his faults. That helps a lot!
I'm getting a divorce from a Cancer whom I was married for in 13 years. I understand where you are coming from. Just remember you will be stronger Libra and a better woman from all of this. Keep your head up high my darling! Keep moving and focus on refueling your soul.
Lots of love, compassion , and good thoughts!
Posted by piranhaparadiise
omg I have an earth moon...!!! lol
At first I don't want too much attention...just enough but after I start having feelings then I want more...
Posted by ErisPosted by nimbuePosted by Eris
"ugh. dating feels like choosing a pair of shoes. if you don't walk around in a pair long enough, how will you ever know if they're the right fit?
oh, i know. you're supposed to dangle somebody along until you decide sorry, you're not for me. found something better. no hard feelings?"
I really like how you put this....
You're a Pisces with a Scorp moon, right? and Aqua venus... I'm a Scorp with a Pisces moon and Libra Venus :p
ohhh so that's why i agreed with you so much
libra venus? *fawns over you*
Could this be love?click to expand
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