What other forums/places do you lurk at?

@ dazed: you must have never played because there are TONS of women that play WoW. It's probably one that women are most drawn to. I played for almost 3 years starting with the beta.
@ OP: I read Reddit, Slashdot, penny arcade, and quickmemes the most.

Related Messages

Posted by ellybd
If y'all could keep him in your thoughts that would be wonderful. smile

Of course Ellysmile
I keep things light and fun with my Sag gal pals, great for both of us! Hope everything goes well with your dadsmile
Justin Bieber a member of the Bad Fish Club too?

hahaBig GrinBig Grin He should join dxp!
Posted by tryandguess
Posted by ScorpioFish
@ the OP:
Listen, man, if you came to DXP thinking that you could snap your fingers and the doors would instantly fly open and all these amazing things would happen....
Well, sorry to disappoint you, but there aren't any magical Leprechauns and Unicorns here.
There are, however, an abundance of normal, everyday human beings who think, interact and share ideas/concerns/frustrations about life as/with a Cancer man/woman.
If this kind of normalcy/discussion is too "boring" for you, then I suggest you look elsewhere.
Further, perhaps you should consult a doctor about Attention Deficit Disorder.

The last part was a little harsh. I mean true clinical ADHD does not present itself as just being bored.
click to expand

Yes, but since when did the OP deserve anything less?
Calling the human beings who post here "boring" and such was dismissive, narcissistic and stupid.
He's lucky I completed my post as it was.
Posted by thomas1214
thank you all!! i was most likely a little sloppy and most likely sluggish from nerves, forgetting to breath a lot of the times when punching so first round not bad 2nd round got rattled pretty nicely 3rd round both of us were tired so it was a good slug fest.. well i hope. still have to see the fight video.

I can hear the theme from "Rocky" as I read that.
Very nice, Thomas.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
lol nope!
Why take it personally? nothing is personal, he just wanted more action then there was. So?
Posted by tryandguess
Posted by RealTalk
Or a terrorist.

That's really racist. Shame on you!
click to expand

I don't give a shit. READ THE TITLE AGAIN. FOH...and for the record I wasn't trying to be mean. I was being honest. If I'm a bitch for that, build a bridge & get over it because I DON'T CARE.
1. So, what "actually" attracts you to a guy?
I need to admire something about him
2. Do you have a check list?
More like a deal breaker list
3. Are the check points differant for - long term romance / role in the hay (do virgo girls do that! you betcha) / friendship? (probably)
To be romantic with someone there needs to be a chemistry that's beyond my control
I don't set out to have flings. Anything close to that is a failed romance.
I can be friends with someone I wouldn't go out with if they keep it platonic and don't try to push for more
4. Have you ever not analysed a guy before entering into 'any kind' of relationship with him?
I think I analyze everyone in general but I don't know every detail about someone before the relationship starts.
More than once they weren't who I thought but I already felt attached and stayed.
5. Do you ever want to stay friends with a guy after your romance breaks off?
Yes almost always
6. Apart from sleep, you you ever stop 'thinking with your brain'?
Judging by the amount of stupid things I've done, yes lol but it was more out of choosing the wrong thing I think I do things in a pretty
calculated way. It wasn't a "throwing caution to the wind" type of situation. So technically the answer would be no.