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Jun 18, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 2999 · Topics: 75
@ dazed: you must have never played because there are TONS of women that play WoW. It's probably one that women are most drawn to. I played for almost 3 years starting with the beta.
@ OP: I read Reddit, Slashdot, penny arcade, and quickmemes the most.
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Aug 29, 2011Comments: 6 · Posts: 3351 · Topics: 102
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Mar 16, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 18
1. So, what "actually" attracts you to a guy?
I need to admire something about him
2. Do you have a check list?
More like a deal breaker list
3. Are the check points differant for - long term romance / role in the hay (do virgo girls do that! you betcha) / friendship? (probably)
To be romantic with someone there needs to be a chemistry that's beyond my control
I don't set out to have flings. Anything close to that is a failed romance.
I can be friends with someone I wouldn't go out with if they keep it platonic and don't try to push for more
4. Have you ever not analysed a guy before entering into 'any kind' of relationship with him?
I think I analyze everyone in general but I don't know every detail about someone before the relationship starts.
More than once they weren't who I thought but I already felt attached and stayed.
5. Do you ever want to stay friends with a guy after your romance breaks off?
Yes almost always
6. Apart from sleep, you you ever stop 'thinking with your brain'?
Judging by the amount of stupid things I've done, yes lol but it was more out of choosing the wrong thing I think I do things in a pretty
calculated way. It wasn't a "throwing caution to the wind" type of situation. So technically the answer would be no.