I can't be just friends

plus i can't give anyone i consider a friend the same care and effort as i would with someone i love. I am really an awful,crappiest friend and i could not just do that to a guy i loved and cherished. Besides I hate the " hey how are you" shit conversation with an ex.

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Posted by notoverit

I'm obsessed with this man.

there's your problem...you're obsessed with a man that doesn't even care about you...I would not stick with him ...
He's one negative nancy and why you put up with it ? find someone who actually appreciates you and likes you...not someone who enjoys insulting and looking for attention to fulfil his negative mind...and talking about other women ??? he just wants to bring you down to his negative miserable self...
He will not change...this is who he is...respect yourself and lose the loser...
Posted by wgamador2
Posted by VIRGIE
Posted by wgamador2
My Aries can be very insecure so when she asked me , i actually had to edit the number.

Great minds think alike!

Oh god who are we kidding, we're huge sluts!!

I am so kidding.............(on your behalf)
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Well ppl do different things when they feel vulnerable including wallowing, I'm not gonna retract that. Falling apart is not me,things may fall apart around me(eg.personal problems), but that doesn't mean i should fall apart also.I've been through many transformations & succeeded without crumbling. If your way works for u, my way works for me too . I'm not afraid of hostility, bring it on if u had to.
I would say you being a Sun Cap with Cap moon and Aquarius venus you get bored easily...and like to have some spontaneous with love and life...otherwise you become frustrated and detach...and you like to be thought of and if that doesn't happen you don't feel fulfilled in the love department...
Maybe your hub likes to have the attention on himself a bit ? being a leo...could that get on your nerves sometimes ?
Or maybe its language difference,here wallowing=self pity(woe is me attitude)-vulnerable=capability to being easily hurt/expose to things that can hurt 1 emotionally or otherwise.When ppl feel exposed to hurtful things(vulnerable),they can adopt a self pitying attitude(wallow).
Will try to keep this short, even tho it's long story. Known my scorp/best friend for years, used to live by each other, I moved away many many years ago. Quit talking to him for about 10 years and found him again and it was like no days inbetween. We have been talking 5 or 6 years now again, and this summer was first time I actually got to see him again in 15 years.
He has always joked around about getting married over the years, least I thought he was joking. But the first night we saw each other again, only hung out an hour or 2 and next day he is calling me at 5am telling me he wants to get married before I leave town. Keep in mind we have never so much as kissed let alone anything else. I sort of blew it off and said not to tell me what he thinks I want to hear. Next day he wouldn't see me. Rest of the time there we didn't bring it up again, until I left town few days later and got halfway back to where I live (1100 miles), and he starts texting about how he didn't realize what he had til gone, and how he truly misses me, and how I'm only one he could possibly grow old with. This guy has had serious issues all over the place in the past, still some going on, but we have been close thru it all, even that far away. He has always been VERY shut up and unexpressive, and I'm not so much better being pisces sun/scorp moon, but still more expressive than he is. He has been manipulative in the past just because he knows I care, which is why I have always still have doubts, but I have ALWAYS been able to call him on bullshit in the past, even over the phone, he can't lie to me. And I don't honestly feel like he is lying or being manipulative necessarily, now.
My question is, is from Scorp point of view, I mean is that a normal thing, to ask your best friend to marry you after not seeing each other 15 years, after only a few hours? We still have not done anything physical at all. Think he is being sincere? He wants me to move there next summer. I have never brought up getting married, nothing, that was all his doing completely. Thoughts?
Western civilization is both fascinated and repelled by the idea that a man could have more than one wife at a time. In the USA, polygamy-themed shows like Big Love and Sister Wives have attracted much attention, as has the trial of polygamist Warren Jeffs.
And although polygamy is considered generally unacceptable by most Westerners, there is some uncertainty and ambiguity about its moral status. For instance, although Jeffs received a life sentence, the conviction was for having sex with underage girls, not for polygamy per se. And although Western culture remains officially monogamous, it tolerates de facto polygamy in many forms.
For example, serial monogamists like Donald Trump and Larry King divorce older wives to marry younger ones, which serves to monopolize the fertile years of multiple women (the same thing that polygamy would accomplish). Celebrities like Hugh Hefner and Charlie Sheen live openly with multiple girlfriends, and various male athletes, rock stars, and actors accumulate hundreds or thousands of sexual partners.
Not I.
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