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Posted by ChocokatPosted by Candeh15
I've had guys stop speaking to me when I explained that I was converting. Some of my mother's church friends don't agree with it. It's even hard to explain to my Jewish friends the trials and tribulations of conversation. I even had a Jewish friend of mine attempt disuading me from converting. So in a way, I went into it completely alone even with the extra support. I had to make sure that I wanted this for myself and for no other reason. In the beginning, I was really sad when I started because I had no one to talk to about converting and no one seemed to really get it. But, I wanted to be Jewish, so I knew I had to keep going. In a way, I think I faced more ridicule for wanting to be Jewish than being black and a woman.
But thank you for all of your kind words, SE. In this case, they mean more to me than I can really explain lol.
In light of this topic, my boyfriend makes more jokes about me being Jewish than me being black, which is actually really funny to me considering we're an interracial couple and he probably has more black jokes up his sleeve. But he's a gentile, and the whole reason why we know each other is because we've had the same circle of Jewish friends for the past 3 or 4 years. He joked one day, "I get why you wanted to convert now. For the Jew guys." And I said to him "Yeah, the Jewish guys were the last reason I wanted to convert. I'm more of a man than they are." And he finally said "So out of all the Jewish guys you're surrounded by, you picked the secular, humanistic, gentile. The irony is great." Lol
+1 you really have to have a sense of humor tempered with self assurance about racism. I've noticed racists love to be all "negative sour ass" about the world vomiting stereotypes. I remember a racist female at school, she thought I'd be an easy target because I'm very shy and reserved during school hours. So she would make these snide racist remarks my way a few times during lunch when I was with my friends and one day I was like "Everybody watch out..Imma about to pull my Race Card out and up the defense with profiling card!" I saw her blush.
^^And yes Imma huge ass dork.click to expand
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