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Posted by FireGemgirl
Seriously,the rest of my chart is perfectttttttttt,so why do I have to have this stupid Venus?I can't stand Cancers,ugh...
Posted by tbirdPosted by CrabbyTwins
She has always been nice to me and even if she wasn't I wouldn't make a thread about it or even to go as far as inquirer about her. I would ask her. Such a mob mentality I fear....I think you should take your own advice that your giving to p-angel. If you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all even if there is a tempting thread... Is this not the point you are trying to make? So I like P-Angel, why do I need kudos for that? I usually try not to expect much, especially from people on a message board, so when I'm impressed by soemone, I'm impressed. I'm entitled to my opnion as are you. "So there's your non coddling cheers" sounds like you are really into yourself (especially with what your saying) Here is some "civiliazed" advice for you....Maybe you should seek some therapy?
This is a Joke...
Yes!! I'm completely into myself, I'm uncivilized and rude, and I need therapy. You nailed me down crabby! Nice... I love it. I freaking love DXP. Everyone says their entitled to their own opinions then label people crazy if they don't think like you.
As I said if you like her great but I have a right to not like her. So again, cheers. I will admit... this IS a joke.click to expand
Posted by nothappy
The sex has been great though, and I kinda want to play with him just for it. Oh wait, I already do.
Posted by nothappy
If he does like me, why is he ruining his chances by being mean to me?
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