I have read and now I understand it. One deals with how I approach life and the other deals with my style of affections. I would have to agree with some parts of it and disagree with others. Which aspects factor in compatibility? Sun, moon and ascendant? Thanks Tiamat and Seizetheday
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Apr 12, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4267 · Topics: 82
Wasn't complaining about it,I do it too,other people see him in that light so yeah he's rudely honest.Being direct is a definate plus over someone who says what you want to hear or the way you want to hear it.Actually that's a complaint of my own is people sometimes aren't that honest,scorpios are just rude and they can handle it too so long as it IS honest and not critisizing just to be mean,jealousy,insecurity,etc. related spite.
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Aug 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1343 · Topics: 15
Haha The Death Look is a good one.
I've always seen it as a Rest In Peace look myself too.
Luciferian Look
'If Looks Could Kill' Eyes
Cold Pupils of Pluto
Guillotine Stare
The Game Over Screen
It all sounds fine to me heh.
I am supposed to make it, but I am literally scared. lol I want it to come out perfect. Im going to attempt it, but does anyone have a favorite way of going about it before I do? I think I'll do the romano and parmesan combination.
This is my first post to this forum, I have been having a good time reading and got some insight. I am a Libra female (with a lot of other influences, so I wouldn't say typical). I am currently smitten with a Taurus. My dad and brother are Taurus, so I think I have a pretty good sense of the Taurean nature. And I like it!
My Dad, bless him, and my Bro.
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Apr 12, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4267 · Topics: 82
Oh yeah,I also forgot about Lenny Kravitz.Likeys the butt.