Taurus Guys (or Girls) - Help Urgently Needed!

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Air signs are alright sometimes. My aquarian friend is fun and hilarious.
Hi Diam2cute,
Happy B-Day!!! Mines on the 15th.....
im late but Cancer lady did your pisces appear nice and then you started to see his nasty ways ( a pisces trade mark move uhm hum.........watch out now!!!!!!!!)
anyway I glad you are a strong person.....as a LIBRA - attention seeker and very emotional i would be going insane ...keep your head up and be strong for the babies ...we gotcha back
Or do you even remember.
yea it feels good to fry those stinky fish and eat em for a midnight snack.
Oh for goodness sakes Mr. P!!!!! Sheese, you THINK way tooooo much! As Haffo has stated, what really is wrong with expressing your FEELINGS when someone has said something to offend, irrate, bother, insult - whatever the case maybe - how are two people to communicate if one of the persons is analysing what he "thinks" the other is thinking or doing? Who gives a flying flip? this is about being open, sharing what is on your mind, being ooops shall I say it? - VULNERABLE. Yep...can't always be protecting, keeping your self safe....what really are you protecting yourself from? It's all an illusion ya know. Creating things in the mind that perhaps are not really there -it all is so, "assuming."
Being open and honest I feel has nothing to do with how well developed a person is - I will be honest with anyone and if they have a hard time with that, that is their problem and I am not responsible for their feelings, they are. (I will usually preface with...do you want to know the truth or do you want me to make you feel good?) I respect them, yes but none of us can control or figure out how another person is going to respond to what we say or do. The best policy is to be truthful.
I suppose it is all about what type of friendships one desires - and then we choose by our actions and words how we create those friendships.
You really are a fun guy to bounce things off of....a reason for very stimulating convo. Thanks Winking
Exactly kafka. Do not listen to him. You are not in midlife crisis. K?
Who wants to party? smile
how many of you guys get along with them?
^^ good story. Did you have a bad mouth too or did that happen in your adolescent years?