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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 665 · Topics: 115
how many of you guys get along with them?
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 665 · Topics: 115
^^ good story. Did you have a bad mouth too or did that happen in your adolescent years?
A debate is never boring to a Libra, ever. As far as the place, I don't know about that.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 665 · Topics: 115
When I was a child, I had a very big imagination and I liked to sing and dance alot in the mirror. I was very influenced by things I would see on TV, which was sometimes good and sometimes horrible :/. I thought about sex a lot at a very young age. I started my period when I was 9. I used to like fighting with boys, but play fighting. I was a very jealous kid and sometimes people would pick on me. I used to get in trouble because of my smart mouth, my parents got on my everlasting nerves when I was little, and they used to argue a lot. My parents never really understood me, but they would always understand my little sister. Probably because she is a gem and my moms a gem and my dads a libra. I was nobody's little girl, not my moms and not my dads. Something was always irritating me.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 665 · Topics: 115
I have been writing since I was 8 years old. Songs, stories, poems etc.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 665 · Topics: 115
Yea, people are always their full selves on message boards for some odd reason. :\. No one really knows me all the way but one of my best friends who is a Scorpio. But there is still some stuff she doesn't know about me.
Hello fellow Librans, and yeah I know what you mean. I am not what anyone in their right mind would call "hot" yet, this stuff happens all the time. It makes life complicated, doesn't it?
And to Sunshine, I'm currently smitten with a Taurus and they are tough cookies, aren't they? My dad and my brother were/are bulls, so I have a bit of an idea what I am in for there. They don't speak much, so don't expect any flowery verse out of them. If they say they care for you, they say it once, mean it, and don't see the need to say it again, even if they do the famous disappearing act. Unless things change, then they will let you know, bluntly. So enjoy the ride till then. I totally dig their "no bullshit" approach to everything including relationships. If a Taurus gives you their word, you can take it to the bank. If they disappoint you, they don't mean to, and usually have a good reason, so don't sweat the small sh*t with them. They always come through on the stuff that truly matters. Sweet and affectionate beyond belief in that department, a bit careless and lazy on the little things though.
?The only real American are NATIVE AMERICANS...!!?
Oh man, not that lame charge again. You snot-nosed Europeans not only think you were born with a better pot to piss in, you think it?s the original pot? You figure you have more legitimacy when it comes to the question of Nationhood, or Culture. Ok, put down your Dr. Zeuss book, turn off your Barney video and I will teach you a little history lesson.
The question of American nationhood and citizenship is no different than in Europe. For centuries, as the various tribes of Europe battled, alliances were made, , the original nomadic tribes were conquered, city-states rose in their place, and the question of nationhood was settled and resettled. Let?s take one city in Europe as an example. How about Strausbourg?
In 13 BC - if you lived in Strasbourg you would be Celtic
In 12 BC - you would be Roman
In the 5th century AD ? you would be a part of the Frankish Kingdon
In 1262 ? You would be part of the Holy Roman Empire
In 1681 ? you would be French
In 1870 ? you are German
In 1918 ? you are French (sacre? blieu! How confusing!)
In 1940 ? Here we go again ? you?re German (NINE! NINE! DAS is CAPUT! )
Ah, but wait! IN 1944 - Get out your French dictionaries because guess what? You?re French again!!!!!!!!!
Of course it?s not just cities, whole countries disappeared. Maybe you can find Prussia on the map? How about Bohemia?
You want to talk tribes? What ever happened to the Medes, the Celts, Normans, Saxons, Bulgars, Slavs, the Avars, the Poles, Czechs, Serbs, the Magyars, the Franks, the Geto-Dacian tribes, the Vandals, the Gauls, the Moors, (hold on let me catch my breath) the Huns, the Scythians. the Danes, the Vikings, the Khazars, the Saracens, the Lombards, the Venetians, Sicilians, the Goths, the Mamelukes?? Even as little as ten years ago changes were STILL being made to the borders of Europe.
How about your own country? First you were an Independent nation, then your royal family died out due to inbreeding and syphilis, so you became part of an alliance with Denmark, then you were part of Sweden, then you were independent again, then you were part of Denmark again, then you owned Greenland and Iceland, then you lost them, then you were part of Sweden again, then you won your independence again in 1905, then you were part of Nazi Germany, and then the allies sacrificed their lives for you and handed you back your independence.
So you tell me what makes an Englishman English and a Frenchman French anymore than an American is American? Other than being snobs. You like to act like you are pure pedigree, but you are mutts just like us. Only with you, it?s your dirty little secret. We are proud to be mutts!! We got our country the same way you did, bro. Our ancestors kicked somebody else?s butt!
You Europeans like to pretend you?re a bunch of saints. I find it particularly reprehensible that you would toss out slavery as a topic without owning up to the fact that Europeans (your country in particular) profited off the capture, shipment and sale of African people to the new world. What was done to Africans was a sin against God and nature. Where do you Europeans come off pretending your hands are clean? Your cities are built on blood money! Here in America we are still living with the repercussions of an institution that Europe started!
America is the most multicultural country in the history of this planet. If we?ve had our share of growing pains, it?s no wonder. For over a hundred years Europe used this country as a dumping ground for it?s poor, and any other group you didn?t want to deal with. One million starving Irish people. Homeless Italians. Persecuted Jews. The people and the groups your governments didn?t like. We took them in. We opened our doors to them. And
?The only real American are NATIVE AMERICANS...!!?
Oh man, not that lame charge again. You snot-nosed Europeans not only think you were born with a better pot to piss in, you think it?s the original pot? You figure you have more legitimacy when it comes to the question of Nationhood, or Culture. Ok, put down your Dr. Zeuss book, turn off your Barney video and I will teach you a little history lesson.
The question of American nationhood and citizenship is no different than in Europe. For centuries, as the various tribes of Europe battled, alliances were made, , the original nomadic tribes were conquered, city-states rose in their place, and the question of nationhood was settled and resettled. Let?s take one city in Europe as an example. How about Strausbourg?
In 13 BC - if you lived in Strasbourg you would be Celtic
In 12 BC - you would be Roman
In the 5th century AD ? you would be a part of the Frankish Kingdon
In 1262 ? You would be part of the Holy Roman Empire
In 1681 ? you would be French
In 1870 ? you are German
In 1918 ? you are French (sacre? blieu! How confusing!)
In 1940 ? Here we go again ? you?re German (NINE! NINE! DAS is CAPUT! )
Ah, but wait! IN 1944 - Get out your French dictionaries because guess what? You?re French again!!!!!!!!!
Of course it?s not just cities, whole countries disappeared. Maybe you can find Prussia on the map? How about Bohemia?
You want to talk tribes? What ever happened to the Medes, the Celts, Normans, Saxons, Bulgars, Slavs, the Avars, the Poles, Czechs, Serbs, the Magyars, the Franks, the Geto-Dacian tribes, the Vandals, the Gauls, the Moors, (hold on let me catch my breath) the Huns, the Scythians. the Danes, the Vikings, the Khazars, the Saracens, the Lombards, the Venetians, Sicilians, the Goths, the Mamelukes?? Even as little as ten years ago changes were STILL being made to the borders of Europe.
How about your own country? First you were an Independent nation, then your royal family died out due to inbreeding and syphilis, so you became part of an alliance with Denmark, then you were part of Sweden, then you were independent again, then you were part of Denmark again, then you owned Greenland and Iceland, then you lost them, then you were part of Sweden again, then you won your independence again in 1905, then you were part of Nazi Germany, and then the allies sacrificed their lives for you and handed you back your independence.
So you tell me what makes an Englishman English and a Frenchman French anymore than an American is American? Other than being snobs. You like to act like you are pure pedigree, but you are mutts just like us. Only with you, it?s your dirty little secret. We are proud to be mutts!! We got our country the same way you did, bro. Our ancestors kicked somebody else?s butt!
You Europeans like to pretend you?re a bunch of saints. I find it particularly reprehensible that you would toss out slavery as a topic without owning up to the fact that Europeans (your country in particular) profited off the capture, shipment and sale of African people to the new world. What was done to Africans was a sin against God and nature. Where do you Europeans come off pretending your hands are clean? Your cities are built on blood money! Here in America we are still living with the repercussions of an institution that Europe started!
America is the most multicultural country in the history of this planet. If we?ve had our share of growing pains, it?s no wonder. For over a hundred years Europe used this country as a dumping ground for it?s poor, and any other group you didn?t want to deal with. One million starving Irish people. Homeless Italians. Persecuted Jews. The people and the groups your governments didn?t like. We took them in. We opened our doors to them. And
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