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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 2709 · Topics: 7
It's Michael Bolton!!!!
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
No bad comments here, i for one had a fantastic relationship with a libra. I think libra as a sign alone is good, but other influences spoil that. Me & the libra, both had scorpio moons, that created friction so it ended. He was mostly libra & im mostly scorp- the problem lied there. We are still friends though & still talk occasionally
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Apr 01, 2011Comments: 145 · Posts: 2210 · Topics: 91
that Must be legal across the pond.. almost everywhere the states 17 gets you 20.. savvy?
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Dec 22, 2009Comments: 438 · Posts: 33721 · Topics: 241
Me: Also a little slow on the uptake.
Not really. Do you like video games?
Me: No, I cannot stand them as a rule, they are a useless waste of time.
Me: I see someone forgot their meds this morning, shame.
Never watched it myself, just know that mane and hall.
Me: I beg your pardon?
I bet you're wrong.
Me: About?
The laugh; it's supposed to be ha, not hah.
Me: Which would mean something if any of this were amusing.
Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
Are you male?
Me: No, you assumed that.
Me: Nope, assumption.
Who will be my assasinator?
Me: John F. Kennedy, on the grassy knoll.
No, on the floor.
Me: On the floor of what?
Never mind.
Me: With pleasure.
Do you like Harry Potter?
Me: Yes.
What do you like best?
Me: The interaction of the Weasley family.
That is what I am asking you?
Me: And that is what I answered you.
And I told you.
Me: Told me what exactly?
The city.
Me: I see. Welp, left the Zoloft on the desk, have a great evening.
I feel for you. Im in the same situation. I go back and forth bc I love him so much and we have so much in common. We go back 20 years since high school. We're in our 30s now and we have a history. I know his past and present but she has his future. He says he loves me and I believe him bc as a Pisces I feel it. He won't leave bc of the kids. He is so stubborn. But I called it off finally after seeing him 2 years straight and I have a baby from him too. I've never told his live in girlfriend and he doesn't help me with my baby. We decided it was best that he stay out of her life and recently I decided it was best that he stay out of mine as well. He's hurt me enough and I will be waiting for him til his kids are 18 then hell just find another excuse. Girl love yourself. Keep busy and rememeber the best revenge is to be happy and successful. I miss my taurus best friend. We talked about everything and the sex was great but he cldnt man up to take care of our baby together or isn't man enough to be with me. I told him to find me when he was ready to give himself to me fully and wholeheartedly but in the meantime I'm not waiting.