Why do guys cheat on pretty girls with an ugly one

Thanks to this post I have this sudden permanents ympathy and compassion towards stretch marks
It's terrible to get cheated on and of course there's this need to destroy the other, however I think you're misdirecting your anger, minimizing your husband's responsibility in this and emphasizing hers. Every individual has qualities and defects, and reducing everything to the way she looks is just hiding your head in the sand. I'm sure you know there's much more to it than beauty. Christine Brinkley was the best model of her generation (not talking just pretty here) and still got cheated on, just to give an example.
Every time life puts you through something so tough it's trying to teach you something. Try to mature and react in the best manner you can think of.

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Best of luck and Happy New Year to you lovely ladies! smile
*high fiving PPB* smile Being a giver is not a bad ting mon.
IQ 105
NO WAY!!! >Sad
Posted by westside
i can go with elle or lena. fight to the death.

Aqua and scorp
Wijiji Big Grin

The Carnal Lover
36% partner focus, 57% aggressiveness, 60% adventurousness

Based on the results of this test, it is highly likely that:
You prefer your romance and love to wild and daring rather than typical or boring, you would rather pursue than be pursued and, when it comes to physical love, you concentrate more on enjoying the experience rather than worrying about your performance.

This places you in the Lover style of: The Carnal Lover.
The Carnal Lover is a wonderful Lover style , though it is often confused with terms like "player" or even "slut." The Carnal Lover is not necessarily either of those things (though sometimes is) but is instead a lover of life, romance and pleasure. The Carnal Lover is a treasure to find, though can sometimes be difficult to keep happy once found, because a Carnal Lover often loves a variety-filled life.

In terms of physical love, the Carnal Lover tends to be dynamic and driven, and can therefore be quite pleasurable. Given the right motivation, and the right lover, the Carnal Lover can be a delight in bed.

Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Surprising Lover (most of all) or the Devoted Lover, or the Liberated Lover.

My IQ is 139 my school said so CryingCryingCryingCryingCrying
I do feel I'm being a little too understanding to the point of being taken beyond granted. I'm just fed up of playing games. He literally begged me to give him a week. I told him nothing will change. And he said, just give me one week to sort my confusions out, and I'll come back to you, maybe sooner.
It's just every single moment is like an eternity. And what if he comes back to say, he's made up his mind to not be with me? Or worse, what if he never comes back? Sad
Romantic lover...
Post 666