Why do guys cheat on pretty girls with an ugly one

After reading through the thread here, my question is this, maybe you should ask your husband if there is something he is unhappy about in this union with you? I know you think highly of yourself, and that is fine, but I think sometimes you should also try talking to your husband and find out why he's doing what he's doing. Don't yell at him, hear him out.
I hate to say it but it takes two to make a marriage work, especially when it comes to solving issues that's threatening it. You can't be egocentric, it doesn't work that way.

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Posted by TasteOfChaosss
Posted by Lobo
TOc wth is that your baby pic or something in your avi?

NO! Its my MUM you asshole!
(I forgot to quote it last time hahaha)
click to expand

* looks away... oh :Awkward:
: Sad :
Lol wa?
interesting that the second study didn't examine the reasons women gain more weight once married, other than to say that possibly due to the added responsibilities, they have less time to excercise, which makes sense to me.
two other reasons I could think of are Childbirth and an increase in meals.
well he mentioned that he wanted these shoes ... few times so i went and got it for him... and then he also said he cant wait to get this game and i got it for him... as far as cooking my bf says he really dont care about cooking as long as its food it could be from any where hehehehe lol ..... but great advice from all you
hey what happen to the foot avi? it was one of your better one imo.
There are two sides to every story and the truth is somewhere in the middle.
You have Aries Sunsign & Sagittarius Moonsign
The combination of your Sun and Moon sign blends in you the leadership, innovative, creative, inventive, achieving and rebellious Aries qualities and the principled, moralistic, high-minded and proud Sagittarius qualities. You are very truthful and straight. You admire truth and honesty. Your sense of truth may not be technical and logical. You believe in values, principles and ideals of life set in the society. You are open-minded and liberal. You value freedom of expression and communication.
You have remarkable leadership skills and authoritative approach. You like to be in the commanding position. Your thinking and plans are well prepared and unambiguous. You are clear-thinking and decisive. You are certain, firm and definite. You put your heart and soul in achieving your goals. You are so involved and focused at your aim that you tend to neglect what other people feel and want. You can be hard and rough on others.
You do not like mean, unkind, small-minded, sensitive and greedy people. You are friendly and candid. You are honest and direct. Your thinking is straightforward and clear-cut. You are liked and admired by others but your harshness may paint a negative picture of your personality. You may be unpopular due to your unkind and unsympathetic attitude. You will be successful professionally. You tend to treat all your relationships and associations in a general way.
on this part my leo says he never was the type to buy flowers and little things like that .. i dont know what leo i got lol he was born august 15
Posted by SrgntLeebz
Ya niki lol we already talked about this, but sometimes u just gotta ignore your feelings for somebody. Love finds you I've noticed. After I've "given up" for a while or just decided not to try(but to still look good when I leave the house) is when I've ended up meeting somebody. The key is to get up in the morning and keep things moving. Exercising or doing things to improve your physical and spiritual health also help alot. U know my situation lol I was a mess after that Scorpio chick, but every day that passes I feel less and less attracted to her cause even though we still talk every once and a while her negative attitude and personality just naturally repels me. If it's not meant to be, time will end it. Subconsciously i think we are all able to tell pretty quickly if it's not going to work, the trouble is when u refuse to see it because of other desires or needs that arent currently being met. Just relax, go about your business, and focus on small joys and minor successes throughout your day. A broken heart can be very hard to mend, but think of how much stronger it will be once u fix it. Stay positive! There's sombody for everyone! Be patient

I wasn't able to "tell" it was going to end quickly with this one. I honestly have to say even admist all the confusion at the end, it was the best relationship (even if it was 6 weeks) that I have ever had! smile