Scorp/ Cap - Can it work?

Posted by thxbutnothx
scorsagian, maybe it's not uncommon among caps. i do not commit for commitment' sake. i do not go into any relationship bc i was dying to commmit. i start a relationship because i want to give it a chance to grow and see how well it may work for both of us. to me, it'd be unwise to commit until i feel certain that we are meant for each other after some serious ups and downs together. so anyone pushes me to commit with chains may not be happy with how it turns out

Your words are so true. He told me exactly this the last time I had a outburst about us. I have been pushing him away with my insecuritys about his past. I'm just very lucky he is someone who is patient enough to tell me so instead of just up and leaving. Ever since I've been More chilled out with him he Has been stuck to me like glue, and that beautiful smile he gives me deffitely tells me I'm starting to do things right. Its starting to feel great!