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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 995 · Topics: 34
You are in luck because my Cancer brother is visiting me and he read this so what I'm typing is his response. He's in his 40's and a therapist. Btw, his moon is in Pisces, venus in Aries and don't know the rest. Ok.....
Cancers don't play the 'shell game' if they are really into you. Let's look at this realistically, shall we? You are not dating one on one, it's long distance for most of the time. Also, you both sound very young, immature and totally incapable of making a true commitment. Stop talking about babies and commitment when you haven't dated one on one for a time. Don't hang onto words, only go by actions and this guy has dumped you so many times that it's a wonder if you have any shreds of self respect left. Is your question really 'how can I contort myself to be more pleasing to someone I love when I don't even know the meaning of the word?' That, my dear, is not love. No one has to contort themselves to appease or find the right words or actions to make someone suddenly love them when all the while they've treated you without the same thoughts. Think about it, he doesn't care what you think when he disapears. He knows you'll be there or doesn't care but tries and oops, there you are, ready and willing to take him back. Why isn't he wracking his brains, scared out of his mind (like you are) that you'll hate him for cancelling so many times? Because, HE DOESN"T CARE!
So, darling, go out in the real world and date nice men. Have a real relationship with a man who proves himself worthy by his actions and treatment of you. It's really that simple. Online/long distance can work but it takes two partners equally committed. This guy isn't. He's actually very blatantly blowing you off so why aren't fed up yet? What made you put aside your self esteem for a guy to treat you this way? Words? C'mon now. You can do better than that.