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Sep 04, 2010Comments: 3 · Posts: 2049 · Topics: 47
If he's not going to be around after a few days you should either forget about him now or just ask him out yourself, nothing to lose either way.
No, you just get your own personal glory? lol
I just don't want to do this for the nostalgia or anything like that. If there's something in there that is worth saving then yes i would be interested but otherwise, i'd rather save myself the pain again.
Believe me, we have experienced the Scorp/Cancer thing and it is quite magical, but sometimes i wander if i am too 'strong' a personality for her.
I think i am very much a stereotypical Scorp on a lot of things, one of them is my disgust for 'drunk, sloppy behaviour' it repulses me to be honest. People in control is a turn on, and when the girl in question has been drunk, she has picked up on the way i am. It's probably the eyes that are the give away, but yes this is a negative for 'us'
Sometimes i do feel i need to relax! When girls i like behave like this it makes me feel like an old man who is 'disgusted with the youth of today'
I can't help it though and i am 24! More like 24 going on 94!
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
Mmm I see. I think that is why the Scorpio that is giving me so much trouble liked me in the first place. But I think we fight for the driver's seat more often than not. I am in control and so is he and we fight like crazy for it. Anyways, you definitely don't want to do it for the nostalgia but that is what Cancer dreams about, and lives in that comfy area.
To some exstent i do too. My faith in people is pretty useless, i am judgemental, i can't help it. I think it's my security barrier coming up! Also it's a risky business going after someone new, plus...i am secretive, so getting to know new people is pretty much impossible sometimes!
With her, i know what to expect and know she is a good person. She just has issues with the 'mundane life' she wants more excitement and to go and see places and do things. I'm not saying i dont, it's just not realistic to do all of these things when we did want to buy a house!
You can't have your cake and eat it, as they say!
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Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
Are there any other Cancers with Venus in Leo? How does this effect your personality and relationships? I've read that your Venus is your love nature. Can someone explain the dynamics of how it alters your star sign?
I find that I love a grand romance or grand gestures of love. I need for the guy to show me and tell me the many ways that he cares for me. I used to go all out and be a bit more demonstrative but I found guys don't like this to much, so I've developed a more blas? attitude toward guys. Would like the men and women's view on this.
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Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
In my mind I knew that he had to sort through this shit and his feelings of the wounds that had suddenly been opened up again when he thought he had put it to rest (and I know it's not completely over yet) he needed space and mates to help him through it, not me.
My heart was taking it all soooo personally, it felt like he was rejecting me and us because he was focused on what he lost...but he wasn't
The most difficult thing was to give him the space and not attack him for the way it was making me feel...I only managed to get through this with the help of a few good friends...strangers here on the net.