Tips on Cracking Open A Capricorn Man?

Posted by EusiveSoulll
One question I keep asking myself tho??_.why is it that most of us women are so hung up on having a man open up with his ???feelings?? provided everything is going well with the relationship.
I understand communication in general terms is of great importance, and unless a man is acting like a robot, why is it that we ???need?? constant reassurance in them telling us how they feel about ???us?? or the relationship!?
Why not shift the focus from ???how do you feel about me?? to ???how do you feel about this and that??_politics, astrology, money management, name it??. My personal opinion is that by doing so, one gets far much greater understanding of who he is as a person, how he views life and how he goes about it, ultimately giving somewhat of an idea where you ( you as in general terms) may rank in respect to relationship/commitment?!
Just thinking out loud here??_

This is probably the most profound thing I have ever read on DXP forums. Someone give this woman a medal. You're a Pisces, right?