Pisces loves Virguy

ngs for now .. maybe more later ...

Posted by piscesx
I have told him a few times in the past that we should stop seeing each other if .....
Every time I mention that perhaps we should not continue, he becomes more attentive, makes plans ahead of time, but that lasts only a short time, and soon back to the old routine of seeing me on the spur of the moment, not responding to texts for many hours.

You giving him signals that your regard for him is conditional, and if he doesn't adhere to you then he isn't worth you .. which is what the quotes above are saying is equivelant to shooting yourself in the foot, considering by virtue of him being a Virgo, it is in his nature to believe he isn't worthy of you.
This is an insecurity they live with daily .. and you using those manipuating tactics of suggesting to him that you don't want him because he isn't good enough for you the way he comes, and you'd rather not have him at all the way he comes ... which is what you mean when you say those things quoted above will ruin any chance you might have had with him because instead of maneuvering him closer to you, it will enhance this rooted insecurity, and create a wall.

Posted by Let*It*Be
It gets even better.
.... if you remain patient...IT GETS BETTER.

click to expand

And second, the above is horse-shit.
Virgo comes the way he comes, he doesn't change for the better or worse. He doesn't change at all. For someone to tell you the be patient that it gets better, when you clarify that your concern is his inability to open up to you is in essence telling you that the "getting better" part entails that he opens up and to support your emotional insecurity by being emotional .. and that is a crock of shit.
be careful what you take to heart because some people have no realistic experience with Virgos.

It doesn't get better to mean ..... he gets to be a better boyfriend with time.

The beauty of the Virgo is that they remain constant, are extremely reliable ... which means there are no changes .. you get exactly what you see.

The only "getting better" is you, and how you change yourself to understand that the Virgo nature comes simply, no games.

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Possibly... smile
And these aren't all randomly generated messages. Only the users are. These treats will be tailored to your personality and style .
Aww@lildol!...trying to hide from the camera lol.
Thanks for the pics!
heheh, big boy, ain't ya? Winkingsmile
Well, Mr. dxpnetgodman has his favourite bitchez n hoes that he "takes care of", if ya know what I mean...*winky wink*
What really pisses me off is when some bitch (AA) makes a thread about me,(sorta) and it goes *poof* before I can read it! Fuk-It-ALLL to HELL
so for example i might send Prince Pisces a picture of a pink dildo.
Ouch.... She is going to Karioke tonight. I just said the hell with it. I've learned a priceless lesson & I don't care how many nicknames & pleads I get, I've been a fool for too long for her.
Unfortunately some men believe if a relationship takes work then it's already broken so why go forward in a relationship that needs to be fixed, talked to death, this can easily kill a mans attraction for a woman.
I wonder what the arguments were about, that could help others help you determine if those arguments were small or trivial or big enough to end it with him but per my own first hand knowledge online relationships are tricky, anything can set it off and send it into oblivion, from the little bit you've shared here with us, I took it more as he changed his mind yet he can use all of the excuses he wants to use but the reality is he just wasn't as into being with you as he led you to feel and believe, somewhere along the way he changed his mind, I'm certain this revelation doesn't make any of the pain go away.
Hey AA I wasn't talking about you in some other thread right now so keep your dick in your pants k
Thanks for all if your insight. Makes me see the different points of view ... Even from non scorps smile
SheDevil- I don't think she has any Leo or cancer in her chart. She def has more fire in there. I am trusting my instinct on why she is being this way and how to go about it. Since she is in another state I have enough time to do the Scorp thing of processing all of this. In the meantime, taurus and i are getting along just fine and we will keep that to ourselves for now lol. :-/