What do we look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Posted by EusiveSoulll
Posted by EusiveSoulll
Posted by yellow01gt
as far as qualities go, intelligence is a must...with such a heavy water influence AND being blessed with an aquarius mercury, she HAS to be able to keep up with me when it comes to conversation, thought process and communication in general...

Interesting you say this ^^^ yellow
I can completely relate!!
Without that is a no go...
As for the rest, I am more lenient...
It depends on the combination of vices and virtues

PS.... I could really use and edit button... really
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most definitely...intellect is a must for me...i'm glad someone else can relate to me on this...
i may appear spaced out and distant, but i have an afflicted mercury, a horrible ADHD and an very high IQ...i think, speak and move at a very fast pace...and i lose interest in things even more than a pisces normally does...so a quick minded woman is definitely a must have...

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For me Libras, Aries, Geminis and Sagittarius keep me on my toes.
I really like a fellow Libra, I have a Aquarius Moon and Virgo Venus. He has a Taurus Moon and a Scorpio Venus. So I don't know if the difference will make us less bored with one another or annoy each other.
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by exoskeleton
lol, it must be glittery!

I imagine that would feel painful LOL! but pretty
Not unless the glitter is mixed into the material of the dildo.Laughing
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Did you not get an invite? if not this is what im talking about, a man who would climb mountains for her assuming shes knowing all of that big love in there, first opportunity away from the stressy life, calls you up cutey pet names, where is she?.. its time you got out socialising i think mr smile
I have a deep connection and friendships with good Scorpios,Saggies and Aries.
I also despise a few Cancers, and bad Scorpios
Posted by Eleonor
Is busy with a promotion in the firm where he works. As said, he doesn't want to explain anything at all to my sister but everyone in their circle feels that there is something else going on. But genuinely no one knows what this may be. Does anyone have a inkling as to what might be going on in this cappie's mind? He's never disappeared before and is 35 years of age.

There's more to this than meets the eye. I know she's your sister & all but how do you she hasn't been cheating on him?

And that he found out?
Lozj, thanks for that insight. It is true! I always want more than what someone shows on the exterior. I'm also very devoted and hard to scare away. :-)