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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
We definitely be the shiznit.
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Apr 11, 2012Comments: 56 · Posts: 1568 · Topics: 53
Haha. I'm still here. How are you tonight?
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Feb 13, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 159 · Topics: 16
sometimes i feel like i have so many feelings and that i am a constant ball of emotion.
i'm constantly thinking to myself things i would like to say to people about how i feel but i am not very good at actually getting that out unless i am very close with the person (basically my mom, dad and brother would be the only people)
the way i have always been able to voice my emotions is through writing notes to people, sometimes not ever giving it to them at all.
does anyone else here feel like they have that problem?
*fionaapplefan: interesting that we both write a whole bunch and both have venus in cancer.
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
The thing is, emotional baggage never really entirely goes away. You just get to the point where you accept it and are able to deal with it. It heals with time but if you keep re-living it in your mind it'll never go away.
I actually have a different take on dealing with someone else's baggage. The accepted principle is you shouldn't deal with someone's else's baggage. The reality is there's no way to avoid it unless you close yourself off and "check out" of society. While one should take the initiative to solve their problems, as the saying goes: "there's strength in numbers." When two people fall in love, they place their hearts in the hands of one another. When that baggage presents itself, it is an opportunity to strengthen that love bond between them. To truly understand your mate and increase the trust between you. While something's are too damaging to not seek professional help, helping someone with their baggage is one of the greatest demonstrations of love. It's a sacrifice. With our society moving increasingly towards individualization and less towards community, this aspect is being lost...because of fear. Understandably so. But by understanding and helping someone with their baggage, you actually gain healing yourself.
"What if the use me or take advantage?" You run that risk anyway. The thing is, it boils down to loving. We all have baggage and internally would love to have someone who understands it and accepts it. If the traditional model of relationships is followed, that lover is also your best friend. Simply, if the one I love comes to me with her baggage, I see it as an opportunity to strengthen us, be a man, and help her. Hopefully, she will do the same for me. A man's equally damaged and fragile.
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Apr 11, 2012Comments: 56 · Posts: 1568 · Topics: 53
shit. too bad i like scorps...
i wonder where you get your literature. that's some odd stuff you read.
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Jan 30, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 17
I'm like this in away , I focus on appearance am hard on my self on the way I look. But I'm not shadow I dnt judge other by there apearance just my self. I also love attention and to be incharge. I like to speak well and have people watch me perform, but all this is more in my mind because my cause over powerf these wants. I have a cancer mercury ,sun, and mars. Part of me want to be left alone and my shell. Then I want attention want to be heard and seen. And I always feel like I want something to say. But cancer want no bother
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Apr 11, 2012Comments: 56 · Posts: 1568 · Topics: 53
this always happens. i spend 5 minutes on wikipedia and people think you're asleep...
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Aug 03, 2006Comments: 73 · Posts: 3385 · Topics: 36
So what he is trying to tell you (and I think it was Nefer that touched on this earlier) - is that we can't be around people that we know have feelings for us that we don't reciprocate.
You seem to be caught in two trains of thought:
1) how you feel about him, and
2) how he doesn't feel about you
There's a third component of: how he feels - that you seem to be glossing over. (Totally understandable when you are in the process of releasing someone). But coming to understand this third component is what will set you free of it - and hopefully somewhere down the line be friends again.
I predict that you indeed won't have a need to be his friend once you have understood the situation for what it is, and released it. And I say sadly, it won't bother him as much as you want it to, or think it might. If it did, he'd be more interested in moving forward knowing you at this very moment.
I realize that what you are going through is all part of the process, and I am not coming down on you for it. But remain honest with yourself (this is why I'm pointing these things out) - it will make things a lot smoother for YOU.