Pisces loves Virguy

And it really depends on what he did....cause I got a lot of fire in my chart too...but I try and let my virgoness handle situation...not to say that fire hasn't came out to play on occasions lol

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yeah. ignorance really IS bliss if you are using the right definition of the word:
"The word ignorant is an adjective describing a person in the state of being unaware and is often used as an insult to describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard important information or facts.
Ignorance is distinguished from stupidity, although both can lead to "unwise" acts."
what your eyes don't see your heart can't grieve for and all that jaaaaaazz
If i don't like something about a situation i'm in or about a particular person, i switch off to them totally. i ignore them completely and utterly and in doing so become ignorant of the situation or person in question and they cease to affect me.
up until the point of ignorance i can be unbelievably gullible though, lol!!
I have male friends that I love - as friends, not romantically. So, can you love him as a friend?
That said, I think you should look into dating other people. This is going to be a very difficult relationship, most likely with more lows than highs.
Posted by seraph
Posted by R1g0rM0rT1s

the answer to those questions is........i don't know. i don't know the real reason i like him but i do kinda suspect it's for the wrong reasons hence the constant need to slow down and evaluate what's going on cos i don't want to go at his pace which i feel is already persuading him to feel things that he's mistaking for something more.
also, it's as if there's something in the back of my mind that is telling me that when he gets to know what i'm REALLY like, he'll have a dramatic change of heart LOL. i haven't been working these past few weeks and i'm a different person in that zone so i've told him he should wait until that time to see if he still feels the same.
which also buys me breathing space.

So this is an issue of self-worth, then?
You feel uncomfortable with what might be the genuine article because you don't feel like you're worth it? "Once he sees the real me . . .", once the other shoe drops, etc. And then you feel you would have to deal with his disappointment, including your own? So it's much simpler to keep people at arms length, because the stakes are lower. There's less risk, and there's less emotional investment involved that could potentially go sour.
"which also buys me breathing space." Is it fair to say that that you prefer the distance and comfortable defenses of "breathing space" over the genuine risk of going all-in with someone?
Does any of this sound familiar?
click to expand

ffs seraph, i'm a grown woman! no this is NOT an issue of self-worth. it's too much bloody self-worth, lol!!! the best way to describe it is that i always have this feeling i'm looking over someone's shoulder to see if something better is out there. i like to keep my options open. my marriage was such a sham on both sides that it was easy to live like that and so consequently, i've never managed a monogamous relationship.
i have impossibly high standards and ridiculous mood swings sometimes that verge on irrational. the last 5 years, i've been living on my own and i'm sure it's made me a less 'angry' person...cos that's what i had issues with then.
when you commit to someone properly and don't just play at it like i've always done, then you are opening up your world to them. i've already told the crab that i want to be with someone wh
Posted by lnana04
Aww@lildol!...trying to hide from the camera lol.
Thanks for the pics!

DO NOT like my pic taken!
And on top of it, my butt looks flat and otherwise big/broad... *hangs head*
(at least my legs looks skinny)
with someone who i don't feel the need to keep secrets from cos that is a huge red flag that i'm not really into someone. so i'm just gonna take this day by day and see where it goes. no promises. i won't make them to him either cos i'm really no prepared to make false claims in the emotional department.
oh yeah....someone asked how much virgo i had in my chart earlier? the answer is ascendant, pluto and uranus.
You pray?? To WHAT god??
As for you voting twice, vote wise Winking
(unless you really do want WW 3!)
seraph: i was only joking about the get out of my head...it's just that your observations are too incisive sometimes. grrrrrr!!
And that's why so many people lose patience and Aqua's miss out on some really good relationships. I used to date another Aqua and he did the disappearing thing for a couple months. During that time I met the Aqua I'm seeing now. Damn my luck! Another dang Aqua! lol!
To all who answering wat placements or planet that bring humor? I'm curious of how we find humor in our charts
Posted by lildol
Posted by lnana04
Aww@lildol!...trying to hide from the camera lol.
Thanks for the pics!

DO NOT like my pic taken!
And on top of it, my butt looks flat and otherwise big/broad... *hangs head*
(at least my legs looks skinny)
click to expand

LoL! Come on Lildol, you look fine! I can tell you were trying to hide though lol.
But I understand you. I lose all cool at the sight of a camera...talk about duckin and dodgin smh.