Pisces loves Virguy

Posted by 3dimes2nickels1penny0sense
Lol@let it be.... you are too much ....
@realtalk. Please explain the usefulness of loving someone deeply but hiding it inside your mind
and do absolutely nothing to express that love to the person you say you love so deeply ....
Who needs "love" like that???? Love is a verb.... its an action, not just a feeling you can feel and
keep all to yourself and hide from the world ...
Love is to be given freely and passionately ..... not filed away neatly in the freezer.
It does sound good to say you "love" someone but give me a break.... is that really "love".
Once you love someone so much you can't hold back and you have to call! You have to scream it
on the roof tops .... you will understand .....
And that my dear is just the "tip " of the iceberg of how deep Pisces love.....
Please don't hate me...... I'm just the messenger. smile

Where in my post did you see I did absolutely nothing to express that love? I told him I loved him (through text) Tongue, but I still said it. I also showed him I loved him as well.
I want to contact him sooooo bad, are you kidding? It's killing me, but I can't. The situation at hand doesn't allow me to give my love to him freely & passionately, so it won't be thawing anytime soon. I'd rather choose what I have filed away neatly in my fridge.
I told you, Pisces tend to live on 64 Illusion Road most of the time, & I'd rather live in reality. I know what I want out of a relationship & if I'm not getting it I'm out. Doesn't mean I don't love him deeply or passionately, it means I'm not dumb enough to compromise my worth & settle for bullshit.

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Posted by lnana04
Aww@lildol!...trying to hide from the camera lol.
Thanks for the pics!

DO NOT like my pic taken!
And on top of it, my butt looks flat and otherwise big/broad... *hangs head*
(at least my legs looks skinny)
with someone who i don't feel the need to keep secrets from cos that is a huge red flag that i'm not really into someone. so i'm just gonna take this day by day and see where it goes. no promises. i won't make them to him either cos i'm really no prepared to make false claims in the emotional department.
oh yeah....someone asked how much virgo i had in my chart earlier? the answer is ascendant, pluto and uranus.
You pray?? To WHAT god??
As for you voting twice, vote wise Winking
(unless you really do want WW 3!)
seraph: i was only joking about the get out of my head...it's just that your observations are too incisive sometimes. grrrrrr!!
And that's why so many people lose patience and Aqua's miss out on some really good relationships. I used to date another Aqua and he did the disappearing thing for a couple months. During that time I met the Aqua I'm seeing now. Damn my luck! Another dang Aqua! lol!
To all who answering wat placements or planet that bring humor? I'm curious of how we find humor in our charts
Posted by lildol
Posted by lnana04
Aww@lildol!...trying to hide from the camera lol.
Thanks for the pics!

DO NOT like my pic taken!
And on top of it, my butt looks flat and otherwise big/broad... *hangs head*
(at least my legs looks skinny)
click to expand

LoL! Come on Lildol, you look fine! I can tell you were trying to hide though lol.
But I understand you. I lose all cool at the sight of a camera...talk about duckin and dodgin smh.
Thanks again for everyone's input!
Why would that make him heartless?
I rarely get disappointed. I generally don't have expectations of any kind.
You may be right MB. we are probably not go -getters. Things have a way of finding us. Mates, friends careers. We are typically very lazy people. We tend to work smarter not harder. So actually get up and go get??? Why...you can go get and then bring.
People tend to mature as they get older. It is called wisdom. The older you get the more you realize what is important and what is not. One of the things you should realize, is that you can't go to war every time. It's not that we are no longer fighters, we become generals instead of soldiers. Winking