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Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Lol hello Virgo R... maybe you can give Pisces X some good advice for her Virgo doctor .(...
What's your advice to her?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Thanks again for everyone's input!
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Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Why would that make him heartless?
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Oct 11, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 1074 · Topics: 32
I project daily anxieties into make believe relationships.
If I am needing a break from something horribly stressful in my real life I will sit at my computer and imagine all these terrible feelings are over my latest unavailable man.
That seems so much sweeter than reality.
Unavailable is good for me because I'm not entirely sure I'm capable of being touched by a man without shaking like a leaf. I get so cold, and I shake so hard for so long.
You don't hear back from them after that.
When they're unavailable however,
I can tell myself that the problems are all his.
His fears alone.
Him needing to be the one to "man up".
It's fairly manipulative. It's pretty damaged.
I do genuinely adore these men, but it never works out and it may as well be his fault first.
I worry that the longer I go without a man touching me, the harder it will be. I worry that the longer I go without the courage to be emotionally intimate with a man increases the risk that the isolation itself will change me irrevocably into the sort of person who simply no longer -can- connect with other human beings on that level.
I do not want to live the rest of my life devoid of human touch.
Gentle touches full of so much more meaning than words convey.
"I accept you" is about as close as I can think of and it does a piss poor job by comparison.
I really liked this one. We'd actually have been compatible but he's just as damaged as me I reckon.
I think I made an error in judgment
I think this guy is not "unavailable" so much as he is "Aquarian"
My Aqua and I are supposed to meet irl in Nov We live in the same city and have not met for 6 months. The plan was that we would meet in July. His disappearing act prompted me to explain that I was no longer interested in bonding with someone over the course of an entire year, online. I won't give my emotions to a figment of my imagination any longer. That even if this is to be completely unromantic I would need to take this to irl or walk away. - as expected he initially went into a diatribe about how great I am but he's just not ready for a relationship anytime soon. (He's said he thinks us meeting will = couple) I agreed I wasn't either and dropped it. Magically, a few days later - we are meeting for drinks with a mutual friend from online in November.
Hes still in disappearance mode - processing. The fact that hes even processing this is good but I'm scare