Real Talk- I agree with you 100% .
However, when I reward good behavior, he shuts down --or acts entitled.
Moreover, I don't want to reward bad behavior, but I don't want to really lose him either.
My girlfriend said I shouldn't have kicked him out. She says I should have slept on the couch for two weeks and ignored him in the house, went out, etc. But kicking him out gave him an escape route. Oh well, too late for that suggestion.
I don't know his Natal chart. He doesn't know what time he was born. He really acts like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.
I suppose if he really loves me and wants me, he'll be back.
Maybe my ego can't deal with rejection. I feel rejected A LOT.
But, he says "ILU" first, proposed, we have kids... if he didn't want me, would he bother?
Also, some introspective thinking the past few days has me suspcious that he might be overwhelmed by me.
He also keeps asking if I slept with anyone. I got peeved once and said, "I'm not you dude!" ...ouch.
Hey, but I'm like damn... do you want me to? Should I say yes? LOL... I never cheated, he has
NO RATIONAL reason to even question THAT.
I wonder if he's looking for a 'valid enough' reason to justify his behavior or leaving for good...but can't find one.