Signed Up: Nov 12, 2012 Comments: 0 · Posts: 57 · Topics: 6
At all, sorry for the typos and grammatical errors. @Tiki33 He is not a nightmare. As I mentioned previously, he has many fine qualities over 90% of the time. Part of my issue is weighing the pro's and con's, how much weight to apply to each. My dignity weighs heavy. However, many of my friends say I am often single because I expect too much and my dignity is too high. My married friends tell me that a lot. That sort of haunts me. My married friends have all had shares of issues, in marriage and before. And the common idea is, you take the bad with the good and keep pressing. That's a different message than what I hear from my single friends, boyfriends or not. The chemistry isn't #1, although I did list it first. #1 would be the kids. Breaking a family is not easy. My pattern is not a doormat. Yes, I've lost myself in this relationship somewhat. He also found out that I put up with some of my first child's father's crap before I left him. And I tend to allow some pushing over when I have kids with a guy maybe-- although the word we use is "compromise." He knows I don't play that otherwise. When I dated him in high school, I walked away (claimed I broke his heart too). And he's seen me walk away from a few relationships. I'm sure he's aware that I have limits. I did kick his butt out after all. As far as "allowing a man to disrespect me"; that's really a tough call. Do understand, I'm a GEMINI. I have ZERO issue letting go of pretty much ANYTHING so, to be enduring means I'm deeply invested. And it's QUITE clear I want a traditional home and relationship. However, these issues (combined perhaps with some of my darker elements - such as my sexual imprudence) have led me into interpretable waters. I tend to let my guard down faster than him. And it doesn't fly up as quickly as his. This leaves so much open to interpretation, I'm almost self-conscious at this point (also unlike me!)