Interpreting a Taurus male

Okay... YOU are frustrating ME now ! Do you hear that sound ? *tic... toc, tic... toc, tic... toc*... this is the sound of the end of another year approaching... it has almost been a year and half since your shared intimate moment !!! Here's the thing... YOU turned him down... YOU must go to HIM ! Oh yes... he is still interested ! He lingers, he stares, he flirts with those other girls in your presence... but YOU still won't bite ! What you both REALLY need... is to go get a room ! IF you ARE a Leo... then you are the unstoppable force... he is the immovable object.
If I were you, I would just show up at his house... conclude your business there... what you both started 17 months ago ! HE will be easy... you won't even need to say a word (though you SHOULD probably know if he is indeed alone)... then just TAKE HIM !
So... you have until the end of the year to make this go somewhere (end of the world if you would rather) ! I don't care how you do it... just make it happen... all this 'nothing' is going no where ! Do SOMETHING !
PS - Send me your exact birthdate, time, and place, I will tell you what you are for certain... I'm not a believer in cusps. For example, Hitler was a Taurus, though he was born on April 20th which should be Aries. So... send me a message... I'm curious to know myself now.