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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3881 · Topics: 128
1. If you could invite 7 people to dinner, dead or alive, who would they be? My daughter, my parents, maternal and paternal grandparents.
2. If there was one thing you could do that you knew you would not fail at, what would it be? Singing a Kate Bush song.
3. What have you accomplished that you are the most proud of? Attempting to stand on my own two feet and more or less achieving it.
4. What's your I.Q? I don't know! Whatever the default is. Perhaps the average and then add 1 to the score cos I'm a crazy genius aqua head!
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Aug 01, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1322 · Topics: 35
GEG~~ what the heck you need 240 pounds of salt for in Cali???
Happy VDay, doll!! Your attitude amazes me and that's meant in a very good way. : )
Oh capgirl, don't be so upset you're maybe coming around to my way of thinking, really i think it's a good thing, I mean, damn! why are we stressing ourselves so much over men who treat us like dogs? throw a little bone now and then and then we go obediantly into a corner and curl up until they call us because they feel like playing? I decided on my way home from work that it really is a good thing that hell! i will NOT let anyone treat me that way again, whatever the sign is, it's self esteem's a good thing...i mean think about it, look at virgo1881 who got called at the last minute because most likely he had to decide who he'd go out with tonight..and it wasn't her..go back for more?? why? sometimes i just feel like what are we doing? are we in some miss america beauty pageant thing having to prove we're the best to these guys? and i'll say it again, as long as we keep playing their game and come arunning everytime they decide to want us, they're not going to get some miraculous revelation that "wow she really is special" all they're thinking is, "hey i think i'm horny tonight, i'll call whoever and she'll come running" it's degrading ladies, we're NOT cattle, we're pretty sexy desirable women, (and I'll speak for myself) attracts men who abuse the "Nice" more, the only people who get the nice me are the ones who deserve it, i am giving and loving and caring and i may as well give that to people who will appreciate it instead of abusing it. and yes, i think i'm finally pissed off enough to change.
Mycap, just want to say I'm sorry, i know the feeling and it hurts, and this kind of pain just sucks, we've all been there, you have my empathy, keep talking and crying to your friends, see that's where we women have it over these guys, we admit our feelings and can cry and get it out, they bottle crap up, so keep sharing, it doesn't make the pain go away but it does help to express it.Better things are coming if you do, youknow that all of us don't really know each other and we're from all different parts of the country but isn't it cool we can feel for each other
and some female insects bite the heads off the males after mating.
"thanks for the lay, chomp.."
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Dec 01, 2005Comments: 11 · Posts: 1565 · Topics: 18
APW, I guess somewhere along the way you really loved the guy, that is why you put up with so much. I don't think we should feel stupid or inferior b/c we did what we did for love. You know now he didn't deserve it, but at the time you must have felt he did. Your love was powerful enough to endure the pain and hurt and it now can carry you on to better days. The next time you will not cast your pearls before swine.
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Feb 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
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Feb 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
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Jan 13, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 212 · Topics: 32
I believe Cappy men are afraid of love and rejection, period. That's how I see it.
And I've done "flipping the script" and it's actually working. He calls me everday now and initating plans to go out. Alot of change when you act as if you're busy with a life, :o)
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Feb 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
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