congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have not been here in a while ..the babies are so cute.
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Dec 31, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 585 · Topics: 81
Ok so Ive been dating my Scorpio a few months and its been established between both of us that we're dating each other and enjoying this journey together. The other day he calls and says he wants me to meet his mother,and brothers. Does a scorp take his friend/woman to meet his mother or is he pushing things a little farther towards relationship? is he opening up a part of himself?
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Dec 31, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 585 · Topics: 81
I have Scorp rising also and the jealousy will try to come out but i keep my cool. OFA, we both have Scorpio rising, seems like i read something about people with Scorpio Rising can be worse than people with Scorpio Sun?? Is one deeper than the other? the Sun Vs the Rising sign?
I feel for you. I can see you are tormented but you had every right to ask and it's not invasion of privacy.
I think he's negative for you and I hope for you to be strong enough to let him go and to realize you are worth more and deserve someone who won't feel that clostrophobic.
Be strong... MC xxxx
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Apr 12, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4267 · Topics: 82
Basically,a scorp rising is more likely to act like a scorp outwardly,I have sag rising so people see me as a little fruity and dorky,my scorp habits don't express themselves unless I let them.
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Apr 12, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4267 · Topics: 82
Yeah,pretty much.All the water signs are like that with family but its usually only cancers you have to worry about those "mommy comparisons" type stuff with,normally anyways.Or flip side hes told his family about you and they want to meet you.
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Apr 08, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 918 · Topics: 11
hello sweetie I know it sucks that it keeps racking your mind..its o.k. i analyze alot as well... But i think you shoudl call him again this time leave a message and say hey I was checking in to see how you are hope all is well give me a call when you have a moment! If he answers keep the conversation light!! Like hes just a friend!!!
Sorry to hear this sweetie!! But good luck at your interview tomorrow and IM sending you lots of positive energy and LOve
love, Brandy
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Feb 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
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Sep 14, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 435 · Topics: 16
Hey you two! I think it would be fun if we met, but I'm afraid to meet Primegen. hahaha.
Am i suppose to read every single word before entering a conversation? Because I don't have that kind of patience!