capgirl - oh no don't get me on the religion tip! I once dated a guy who had a crucifix on his wall, and he would take it down when we were going to have sex, this "relationship" actually lasted one and a half months, I even met his family and I was like "no way"! They were so stiff and repressed - and back then I was a real capricorn as opposed to a laughing capricorn and I thought they were repressed!
I know, it IS sad isn't it? I know so many people, men and women who are not at all happy in their marriages, relationships whatever. What started out as "till death do us part" ends in "there's someone better out there for me" I think sometimes it simply comes down to unreal expectations, no one is ever "perfect" for anyone and no one person can possibly fulfill ALL our emotional needs. i think that is why my ideal relationship truly is two people who are individuals and independent with their own lives, friends, likes dislikes and such who form a partnership somewhere in the middle. I myself have never wanted to be joined at the hip with anyone. I think though that is where trust and respect comes in and is so vital to a healthy relationship. if a person can trust that the other person is being true so to speak to them, it won't matter that they have outside interests friends and times apart. It's when mistrust enters the relationship that one becomes clingy, needy and desperate. One theory I have regarding long lasting healthy relationships is that the two people need to from time to time fall in love all over again. and I'm not speaking of the hearts and flowers things, it can be as simple as looking across the room and noticing the other person doing something mundane such as taking out the garbage and they smile at you and you realize, "wow I really love this person" I have experienced this, unfortunately for various reasons it/they/we did not "live happily ever after" but this is my hope and dream. and so many times I wish to give up entirely thinking that it's an impossible dream, but to quote that old rolling stones song, lose your dreams and you may lose your mind.
capgirl: how about next time tell such a person "oh I can handle my emotions, it's just my body that's getting out of hand, can you handle it?" - that's if you're really really horny
i empathize, sympathize and totally identify with how hard it is to totally detach from these cap guys, i hate to admit it. I have been truly in love with three men in my life, my ex-husband(cancer) a 4 year almost so intense it was on a spiritual level(leo)man and an almost 4 year fun fun fun relationship (cap)man, and the one i STILL cannot completely let go of no matter how many suggestions(and by the way, they are ALL great) I've done, tried, prayed about, raged about, cried, rationalized etc about is, you guessed it, the cap...dated another cap for just 3 months and when he showed his colors (sneaking, lying, retreating, you know after the chase and hunt was done and he knew how much i liked him) i had to end it. and you know what? I'm still upset about it. I swear sometimes i think they have some voodoo crap going on that doesn't let you go. So ladies, i applaud all of you who can make these work, I just couldn't and believe me, I tried everything. I even tried lying to myself that it was ok that we were just "friends" having sex and fun, but the truth is I couldn't continue the lie, i was seriously emotionally attached and it made me physically, mentally and emotionally sick. This is why at this point I have made a serious vow to myself that i cannot will not ever do another cap again. I don't hold too closely to all this astrology stuff, but for me, a capricorn male has been like drinking poison to me. I wish everyone luck, maybe it's just me or my sign, but i have to accept my limitations with these guys
Signed Up:
Aug 01, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1322 · Topics: 35
Very clever, I like that!!
Actually, here's how it kind of went down: He said... "I'd tell you to lay down next to me, but then I'll want to kiss you, and then I'll want to have sex with you..." And what did I do? Plopped down and laid next to him... then a few minutes later, leaned over and tried to kiss him! haha-- He pulled back and resisted, so I flopped back onto the bed with a discouraged sigh, and then he's immediately up and leaning over me going in for the kiss. LOL Damn Cap. men HAVE to be in control and have it be their idea, their doing! Funny stuff.
Sweet capgirl! This is better than those bodice-ripping novels I used to read a decade ago. Geez this is totally turning me on!
I have to say I love it when a man is in control partly because I am lazy, but probably more because he really thinks he is in control - like giving a kid a toy and watching him play - except I won't take it away coz it feels sooooo good.
I guess that means he is in control and I am fooling myself. I still insist that ex-cappy sprayed me with pheromones!
Don't you think you'd be better off using logic instead of zodiac rubbish to solve personality/relationship issues?
Seems like a very immature way to solve problems.
Astrology generalizes.It stereotypes.
It's saying that all people of this star sign have the same personality types & flaws/good points,which is just hogwash.
Try,just once to try & address an issue without astrology & you'll get a far more realistic,logical answer.
Signed Up:
Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
What do you think of a taurus and leo relationship?They are both fixed signs so...simply curious about it....any experiences?good or bad?