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Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
omg, these are so friggon funny.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 426 · Topics: 26
got some other madonna c/d's, and found some other one (not madonna) that is a full club mix. it's great. hope you are out there pedaling as fast as you can. :-)
You people seem to take things literally.
Read it again carefully. I never said not to love a person for them. I said love them based on the condition that they respect you and love you the way you need to be loved. Please don't try to debate. You will not win.... My opinion is mine and I wasn't saying love is a card game. I was jsut plainly saying that love is a gamble. You never know what the outcome will be. Try to be smart when you are in love. The card game was metaphorically correct in reference to love.
You have to use common sense.
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
debate with you is not worth it and it is petty not because you think I won't win but because my mind is made up as well. I will just say you keep you opinion and I will keep mine...You treat love your way and I will treat it my way. Peace
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Dec 31, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 585 · Topics: 81
You are 80% Scorpio my rising
This is Raj and I am a cancerian man. I wish luck for you and the two sweethearts.
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Dec 31, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 585 · Topics: 81
Your Stripper Name is: Paris *shakea skakea*
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Aug 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1343 · Topics: 15
"Yeah Scorps are a mental drain. So much negativity, bitching, complaining, and the entire "woe as me" attitude get a little annoying. They kind of miss the boat on managing emotions."
I still can't quite understand why a Virgo felt they needed to harp on 'negativity, bitching, complaining' lol. I mean, to me, with all the virgos and scorpios i know and compare, that's just some bullsh!t. C'mon now brahn... c'mon now.
And woe as me? Well isn't that the condition of humanity that Scorpio represents, brahn? The 'Don't Despair Under Pressures' condition. Don;t talk about all Scorps as if none of us get our jobs right, because for all you know the majority of us do not despair, even when people like you might just do so in our shoes. (Many Virgos are hot wrecks under conditions that they cannot manage with practicality and analysis --- do you not realize that Scorpios are different from virgos for that reason, among many others??)
And please - I would not expect a Virgo to understand how to manage passion lol. Virgos can manage a whole lotta things in this Universe, but a scorpio will never take a single lesson from a virgo about passion and how to manage it. Virgos have emotions yes, a tight hold on them yes, virgos are good at being inscrutable yes, virgos have more emotions than scorpio - no, so leave it to a scorp to talk about who is good at controlling emotion, not you brahn. I mean, just by the way you explain yourself I can tell that you don;t understand a Scorpio's struggle to curve their emotional intensity lol. No offense intended, actually more like defense. If anyone has to stand up a little for Scorpio the Scorpion it would be the scorpio suns.
...A virgo talking about moaning and complaning..
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Aug 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1343 · Topics: 15
I like that song.
'Now, Elliot are they treating you good over there at the Bellview Clinic? Are they giving you your meds twice a day and three square meals?'
Yea, but I get out in a few and I'm coming after you.