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Aug 01, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1322 · Topics: 35
Don't get into a relationship with them! That's the only way... I mean really, if there's any form of "hunt" going on and he's still "hunting" you, you yourself will not feel that you're in a true, normal, reliable relationship. So, as long as you feel unsettled and uncertain about things (w/ him), then it's not a relationship.
I really speak of the commitment-phobic male... There's so much talk about the Capricorn man behaving this way but as others have agreed, it's really not all about sun-signs.
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Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
there are a reasonable amount of north vietnamese ppl around; they're just more scarce here becuz most were commies and didn't feel the need to flee the country. both my parents are north vietnamese, but they didn't meet until they were in the US. they didn't get brainwashed by the commies, however, and they hated them with an intense passion. i remember them telling me how sad they were when the commies took over. both of my parents' families worked for the US, so they were always in support of a democratic government.
"Oh yeah, and the communist Chinese can't admit they invaded Vietnam once, it's not even in their text books as if it never happened. What asses."
omfg.. you're the only person i have met (or talked via internet.. lol) thus far who has mentioned that! omg.. thank you so much for pointing that out. i even told my boyfriend about that and he looked at me like i was crazy. but yes, that indeed happened and we were able to withstand them. they had a huge-ass army and we only had a ghetto-sized nerd force and we were able to take them out. most believe it was luck or some kind of miracle. i just believe that we had a spiritual determination to not let our country die. we're small and typically underestimated, but our will was always big enough to prove otherwise when the time was right.
i know that their textbooks write about how the japanese and french invaded us, but why not they themselves? it's because the japanese and the french tried to colonize us in a substantial amount of time, it was understandably more recent, we had outside help, and it wasn't their loss (they didn't want to look like sissies.. those poopies). the chinese actually tried for centuries to lure us in, but that isn't typically recognized either. they would try and fail, and then try and fail again. they were literally waiting and yearning to discover why their large country cannot take down a little piece of land. they were successful once before, but it wasn't like they had totally defeated us. they had been attempting to figure us out since the first time that they had let us slip away. they didn't want to give up - but neither did we. we were on our own and we stood strong beautifully.
i sound like i have too much viet pride (who knows.. maybe i subconsciously do), but i'm just setting things straight in my point of view. i hardly ever talk about this stuff - i just know about it because my mom would always try to lecture me about the matter. she's kinda racist against the chinese, though.. lol. she likes every other country except theirs. it's kinda funny when she talks about it, though, but i'm still not a racist. my roomate is chinese and an aquarius, and i get along with her fine. i love talking to that girl.
but anywhoo.. i'm a stubborn vietnamese and i don't eat dog.
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Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
and don't forget Queen Elizabeth II, Catherine the Great, Harry S. Truman, Oliver Cromwell, and Karl Marx. or even Sigmund freud who turned psychology around by causing ppl to open up their eyes. writers like Florence Nightingale and William Shakespeare made history, as well. these are all bulls. i believe Adolf Hitler was a bull, too.. but i hate that guy. and he was born on a major cusp, so screw him.. lol.
I don't believe that the deepest expression of any sign is a warmonger, or that the fundamental nature of the relationship between signs is one of conflict. But the discussion here has been amusing anyway.
SO: An army of scorpio born emotionally loyal to a leo general. VS. An army of virgo born intellectually persuaded by an aquarian general. Would anyone really bet against the former in contests of true war? True war is a life and death situation... these armies are fighting to the death, and when they finish, they're coming for the civilians. Is there any question as to which army you'd want defending you?
Yea maybe if it's two boardrooms coming together to discuss a corporate merger. Yea, give me the aqua's and virgos. But an actual war?
Now an army of scorpio born emotionally loyal to a leo general VS. an army of taruen men defending their piscean mothers and sisters. Somebody ought to film that.
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Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
lol. yep, i do have funky food combos, but that's the fun part about eating. why eat like everyone else when you can make up your own mix? i love having cereal for dessert. i don't know my exact reason for not wanting to eat cereal in the morning, though. maybe it's becuz it's usually cold when i awake from my slumber, so i want something warm and home-made to wake me up. therefore, i tend to want a REAL breakfast, like hearty food. and i'm also a ketchup lover, so i put it on everything, too! sometimes even on graham crackers, which i think is normal when i'm actually doing it, but when i look back at it, i think it's kinda weird.
i have never tried raspberry bismark donuts. they sounds really good, though. my mom used to feed me milk that was mixed with prune juice and i used to love it! i tried having it again when i was 12 to see what my prior fuss was about and i almost puked. i couldn't believe i used to like something that tasted like feet.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1234 · Topics: 79
Can you Scorpio's PLEASE explain the Push and Pull game? Can you please tell me what's the deal with this?? W
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 457 · Topics: 28
what is her (your lady's) sun sign ???
I feel that you should make them feel secure with you by showing them your determination and loyalty -- plus you have to be very passionate about everything with NO fakeness
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Aug 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1343 · Topics: 15
Hahaha you know what? I don't even know! I used to think that I knew what I wanted lol, but I'm sure that I've never really believed it.
DB, I read your profile, and with as much Scorpio as you have I'm pleasantly surprised (mainly because it seems as though Scorpios tend to not be as expressive as maybe some of the other water signs) that you seem as open and passionate as you are.
I have a huge passion for life and especially for love and as much as I adore my Scorpio, sometimes I wish he would feel just a free about expressing what's in his heart as I do.
As far as mystery....I totally agree!