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Aug 01, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1322 · Topics: 35
Have you been reading that book, "Why Men Fear Commitment" or some title to that effect?? It's in my nightstand-- It's really good and talks about the man needing to verbalize his feelings for a commitment to happen... That's alot of time spent together. You're not saying ILY? I'd have a hard time being intimate over that period of time, that frequently, w/o being able to say that and hear it back.
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Aug 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1343 · Topics: 15
(Lol look how far we've come in this conversation.)
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Aug 27, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1343 · Topics: 15
I see, I have a lot to gain from some of the things you just said - More to look for at least.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 13612 · Topics: 756
How charming....Lmao...
And this is the democracy you guys talking about and wanted to export that crap out of your borders too..?? Under which name.? American usual hypocrisy? or "made in USA fascism".?
Or.. god forbid.. you guys are religious something..??
I guess.. you pranksters are just joking around?
But on the serious side? why not..? What is wrong to accept females reaching the top.?? Jealousy..?? Ahh?. 43 jackasses ran the US till now and have made pile of crap of it "both nationally and internationally", especially the last menace?.let at least 3 females do the same then start your nagging.
As I said it before?. You guys sitting on you philosopher armchair in comfort of your home getting drunk and playing with your ?. err (hopefully it is your computer) and brag around with your divine knowledge about everything in this world?
The following is a sampling of statistics related to the relative status of women worldwide.
According to the United Nations Human Development Report 2004: Section 28, Gender, Work Burden, and Time Allocation, women work on average more than men, when both paid employment and unpaid household tasks are accounted for. In rural areas of the developing countries surveyed, women perform an average of 20% more work than men, or an additional 98 minutes per day. In the OECD countries surveyed, on average women performed 5% more work than men, or 18 minutes per day.
Women own only 1 percent of the world's wealth, and earn 10 percent of the world's income, despite making up 49.5 percent of the population.
Women are underrepresented in all of the world's major legislative bodies.
In 1985, Finland had the largest percentage of women in national legislature at approximately 32 percent (P. Norris, Women's Legislative Participation in Western Europe, West European Politics).
Currently, Sweden has the highest number of women at 45 percent.
The United States has just 14 percent.
The world average is just 9 percent. In contrast, half of the members of the recently established Welsh Assembly Government are women.
Female share of seats in elected national chambers in November 2004 (percent)
? Rwanda 49.0
? Sweden 45.3
? South Africa 42.0
? Namibia 42.0
? Denmark 38.0
? Finland 37.5
? Norway 36.4
? Spain 36.0
? Netherlands 35.0
? Pakistan 33.3
? Germany 32.8
? Iceland 30.2
? New Zealand 28.3
? Austria 27.5
? Canada 21.1
? China 20.2
? UK(Commons) 17.8
? Mauritius 17.0
? United States 15.0
? Japan 7.1
So? I just wonder why Nr.1 superpower (lmao) got the 19th place in this table..??...empty place vacancy..?? or it is just a plain (ready to export) democracy..??..
Or am I just talking with bunch of "being dumped several times socially inept dweebs", which refusing to accept abandoning the ancients BS of the male dominance culture..??
What do you know about honour killing..??
What do you know about female's circumcision..??
What do you know about forced marriage??
What do you know about rape?
What do you know?? never mind?
The issue lazlow and looneybird talking about is not about or being feminist?.!!!!
IT IS WOMEN RIGHTS??.and should be accepted and respected as MALE RIGHT..
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Aug 01, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1322 · Topics: 35
Oh, I do! A guy whom my friend set me up with. Like late30s or 40, divorced w/ a 9 yr. old daughter (a mature man). He didn't drink or gamble bc. he couldn't handle it, and seemed to be a sex addict too. Worst thing and moreover, he got very aggressive w/ me and I was in fear for a brief moment of being overtaken (raped) on my own bed- had only known the guy a few weeks. Very intense personality.
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
I think you are right CG because I took my Phlebotomy course frist and when she found out then she wanted to do it like everthing that I do she does it also. So when I got Certified earlier this year and because I know what paper are needed she keeps coming to my office asking for my help. She asked me who paid for my certification form and I said the University like they paid for my course and she got the University to pay for her course and yesterday she went to see if they could pay for her application and they said we paid for the course we not paying for nothing else so she is coming out of her pocket to get certified...I can't stand her...
I will just continue to keep my distance...but if she does it again I am going to F her up. And find another job because I am not going to wait until we get off...that is to long.. LOL
see that's how i feel about cap men, every one i've known whether i've been involved with them or friends of mine, have had such similar experiences. unfortunately one of my own son's is a cap male, i pray for him and constantly tell him to please please please be nice to girls, not to play games, but i swear i see him just close up and retreat just like we're talking about. and i didn't raise him any diffently than my other two kids, one who is a pisces and he's so outgoing and my daughter is a scorpio and such a sweetheart. so yeah, i judge cap guys by their sign and it doesn't make me happy to do that but it is what it is and they are who they are.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Hillarious!...Well fun and drama..this is where its at...Its as Antibling said, we can't be blamed for others obsession now can we..
Rock on..
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Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
You're back! Yay! We missed you too! So how'd it go? Have lots of fun?
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Lol @ pathfinder..Yes it must've been early..apologies for my little mistake!..
Well in that case give him time..he'll be back..He's probably just mulling the decision over in his own head..but the mutual decision not to get intimate at this stage is a good sign..usually means they want to stick around for a while..
Good luck with it..My back up is Scorpionlady..