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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Storming out of a friends place angry, planning NEVER to come back again, and then, realizing in the morning that u left your cell there? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ok scorpian lady, virginia's not that far, hook me up babe!
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Nov 17, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 305 · Topics: 17
Well CapGirl, me and the cap haven't really discussed all the details. We still have lots more to talk about. He asked if I wanted to move in w/him. I told him that I want to move in because he wants me there, not because I'm having his child. It's just crazy b/c I've always wanted to be married before I had a child, you know do it the right way. It was crazy b/c the cap called me tues evening while I was actually getting the preg test done. I left the phn in the car. I called him back when I left and he was yelling at me, askin me whats been going on w/the aqua and then some other guy that I was kind of seeing while me and the cap were broke up months ago for about two weeks. He was saying that he didn't think that I was being truthful w/him about these guys and then he told me that we were done, nothing was changing his mind, he couldn't trust me anymore, etc. Then I said, well ur gonna be a dad. And he got really silent. Was shocked, but then actually started talking about it w/me. He's called me everyday, a couple times a day to check on me and then he said he'd go to all my drs appts w/me and all that. If he wasn't supportive I'd be even more upset about the whole thing.
Follow your heart. A Cap man has no problems expressing his feelings. When he is ready to use the L-word he will.
Speaking from experience, I waited for my Cap to say it first and it worked. And that is NOT nonesense.
It sounds like you are on the right track with your Cap, so I would not sweat it.
Signed Up:
Nov 17, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 305 · Topics: 17
Thank you VirgoLady. I'm trying to stay calm in all this, but its very hard. He did assure me that he wouldn't desert me. He said he was raised better than that. Yes, please pray for me, I neeed it!
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Miss you baby. Can we cuddle?
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Aug 01, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1322 · Topics: 35
VirgoLady~ Each to her own, and like I said, every relationship is different. However, I feel it is important to be true to yourself and if you're overflowing with feelings of love and holding them in and it's been a respectable amount of time, I see nothing wrong with expressing the "ILY" first. I think it is silly to strategize and purposely hold out and wait for him to say it first. To me, it's the coward's approach. Sure, you don't want to scare him off, and "dump" your feelings on a person too early on, but 6 months is not too soon.
Signed Up:
May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
OK, regarding this topic, the bullish pride is freaked on the confrontation. I KNOW they will want to make up & clear the problems, but this friend is clearly a talker & not a walker. I don't wanna hear I'm sorry. It just DOES NOT cut it.
(Picks up cell phone, glares will bull horns poking out, and walks away with smoke blowing out.)
Signed Up:
Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
"And I swear
That I don?t have a gun....."
Oh yes he did. And he was a pisces . . ok now I have deja vu.
Children are a blessing but do you really want to have a child with a man that you weren't even technically in a relationship with? And the fact that he knows you were dating other men is going to stay with him always. I really hope everything works out for you, but as a mother, you really need to be realistic about your situation and come to grips with the fact that you may have a better chance of winning the lottery than living happily ever after. Because if he's more attentive now than he was, then you have to know its about the baby and not you, so dont take his kindness and consideration personally, he's simply looking for a child that MAY be his. Good luck.