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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
But isn't it nice to hear all views rather than just what you want to hear?..I am sure you will be fine Mycap..but remember a child doesn't help relationship problems..A lot of women are under this false misconception. So let me get this right, your in a relationship with an aqua and you had a short term fling with a cappy who's child you are now carrying?
Well my thoughts are with you..remain strong and do what YOU want to do..not for the benefit of a situation or someone..
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
Who else but a cap tis they way of all things my friend.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Ya know, lately I am really impressed with myself for guessing (simply by looking) whether a man is scorpio or not..its really quite scary..And Branh if you come onto this board, please let me live the moment, don't snatch it away from me with your woman bashing and a thesis on psychology...
so here goes..a few weeks back I was watching the Oscars..and the guy that was hosting the awards Jon Stewart (phwoar!). He came on and at once I was like, wow for an older guy he is one hottie..and also his eyes...and his personality etc..So I logged onto the net and found his biography..and yes he was a scorpio so I was utterly impressed with myself..Then today I was reading "Ok" magazine and saw a picture of Jouaquin Phoenix and an interview with Reece Witherspoon where she was saying it was difficult to work with him because he was intensely private..but the chemistry was i thought..yep he's got to be a scorpio, look at those piercing eyes and also the fact that he's private..So I looked him up on the internet..and low and behold..he's a scorpio..And then there is this guy I have just met recently online, just by looking at his profile (no picture) and the fact that he's really funny and crazy, and the different personalities (i.e. private, joker, lover) I just knew he would be a scorpio..I asked him and he was like "damn girl, are you a psycho-therapist or
So I am actually very impressed with myself..
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Nov 17, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 305 · Topics: 17
First of all febpisces comments were kind of rude, but as someone said shes just giving her life experience. U can't assume things if you don't hear my side of the whole thing and know whats going on w/me and the cap at this moment in time. I'm not wanting him to become exclusive w/me jsut because of the child I'm having. I know for a fact, febpisces, that this child is his. I was never in a relationship w/the aqua man. Yeah we hung out, were friends, but that was it. We've never slept together, nothing to that extent or level. Yes the cap knew aobut the aqua, but he also have 'girl' friends.
Missmorals, you are totally wrong. I've been with the cap for 10 mos now and am not in a relationship w/the aqua. I don't know where u got that from.
Maybe I shouldn't have told the board about this. Most of you seem to be putting me down, but thanks to the ones who are supportive.
I"m not pushing for a relationship w/the cap jsut because of the kid. Me and him are discussing a lot of things and what we r going to do.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
And I am also starting to see a pattern..most scorpio men I have come across in life have been around 5ft 8" tall..what the hells all that about..
And isn't it weird that Jouaquin's surname is in the Phoenix I am getting waaaaaaay too carried away..
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Aug 01, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1322 · Topics: 35
Yes, see, as to the above questions that had to be asked by Missmorals. I rest my case.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
She's prolly just bubbly..or she finds you amusing..
Signed Up:
Nov 17, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 305 · Topics: 17
Thanks for ur support CapGirl. U always have my back!!