
LOL...You are so creative DB......I guess no one knows....Ha-ha-ha-ha Rumplestilkins MY NAME!!! Ask me agin and I'll tell ya the same!!!

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Only U bran would come up with something like that..tsk..
Please..never in three lifetimes wood i wish away the essence of "hu" in man, feeling is the only certainty..All the aftershock and/or effects of the initial causes varies with personality. I couldnt imagine not feeling..being in tune with emotions, vibes and subliminal stuff, maybe its a planet thing (Moon in Cancer)
Definitely keep my emotions. How would you ever know when you are happy if you have never been unhappy?
well actually im not always available because we live in different cities and if you read my post on the scorpio board I stated that we have sex once in a while but it may seem like we do it all the time but only if he's here in ny.I mean at the end of the day It's up to me whether or not i will have sex with him.But the only thing I don't understand is that since im not always available to him he keeps coming back.I don't know maybe its a scorpio thing but thanx for your advice branh0913
Mycap, you have my support, 100% . This is life and life happens, right? Just for the records capricorns make excellent fathers as do taurean women, so this child (if you have it) will be very loved! I am also 29 so i think I can understand how you must feel, I am very, very pro-choice but I also believe there is nothing wrong with keeping a child even though he/she wasn't planned.
Feel free to email me if you just want to type, or want advice!
Positive energy to you!
How wood u know u were living? someone wood have to tell u...
recap (like the pun?)
Night went well, no words of love but we talked about our feelings for each other and the fact we are moving 1/2 blocks from each other, and that I would like to keep it that way (no moving in together etc). I am sure love words will come....sometimes he puts his hand on my heart and holds it for minutes while starring into my eyes....I want to say....JUST SAY IT! : )
Hahaha! Branh, Notice how many Scorpio's answered this question and how few Virgos. I am the only one who has posted a comment on the virgo board and I'm a scorpio.
hahahahahahahahhaha.....I suggest you head to the internet and do some research. Gemini and capricorn are drawn to each other BUT it is not a good match for the most part. Why? Gemini womam likes to talk about everything, all the time, and capricorn man do not. Capricorn men are super controlling, autoritarians, this also drives gem crazy...
Try it out but be aware you are heading into tricky territory....I recommend looking back on this board to last summer, there was a gemini woman who was having major problems with her capricorn, I think her name was Atlanticmyst...or something. She opened my eyes BIG time.
Elvis and Priscella....
I would say it's just a nervous habit and that she probably really likes you.