
Kenny G is the """WINNER"""

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2 sharks swimming in opposite directions:
Sag my friend don't be shy you keep on skipping and I'll keep enjoying, keep your yoga links I pray fantasize and sometimes try my best to make my fantasies come true,you'd be surprised, I'm surprised at how many of my intimate friends enjoy what I here to fore only daydream about. Fried Ice cream is a reality.
Interesting post Branh...I believe that we can have our emotions and control those emotions - it is all in how we perceive situations to whether they effect emotionally or not. For example: girl dating a guy...guy says he will call her - he doesn't. Now, this girl has a couple of choices has to how she will react/respond to her situation thus effecting her emotions. Choice# 1- "I can't believe he didn't call me..he must not like me...oh geeze, probably is ditching me ...OMG! I'm such a looooooser!"
Because of her above thought she may experience "emotional pain" within the body.
Choice #2 "oh, no call hmmmm...note to self - did not keep his word." Will let him call me and when he does, see if he says something - if not, make another note to self and say nothing to him." This thought will not cause "emotional pain" Reason being...she is being the boss of herself and not letting outside circumstances effect her...SHE is in control of her rather than letting the other persons actions control her.
This also may have something to do with one's self esteem.
Thoughts become things...think GOOD ones Winking
personally yes, I would want to feel emotion only to a Certain Extent, but not to the human capability now.
Logic isnt half as important as Love as Oscar Wild said, but it can prove something. It can prove when they are handing you bul*S*it
Its important for us to recognise bulls*iT when they hand it to you.
So you can know Truth. So Logic vs have to say 70/30
no branh
i dont think you misinterpreted it
maybe i'm too optimistic i mean
it seemed to me that..
coming and introducing him self at the club(first night at the club)
taking my phone and msn.. whatever lol..
talking to me everday online
text message time to time
asking for lunch
promising for movies
i interpreted those as initiatives..dunno
it just didnt seem that bad to me..but i'm open to critism
thank you for showing me another aspect
I like your advice. We are all in control of our lives and we shouldn't let someone have that control over us. Thanks

? On the visit to India and Pakistan, avoid trying any spicy local food. Air Force One toilet still clogged up from my last trip to India in 2005. Remind Laura to give me Pepto Bismol after each meal, as a precaution.
? Avoid all temptation to ask Doc. Manmohan to try on his turban. He didn't like it the last time I asked.
? Sign Nukular Deal with India. (Don't forget to collect my copy of the accord). Remind Doc. Manmohan to send me keys to all of India's civilian, and possibly military, nuclear facilites (so I can send my people to carry out inspections) as soon as we send nukular technology and fuel to India. Ask Condi, what this deal is all about ? still don't have a clue what it means!
? Don't forget to scare the pants of Doc. Manmohan on Iran's nukular ambition. He must support the US when we go after Iran. There's no flexibility on Iran's nukular issue as India imagines. Ask Condi to back me up on this, as Doc. never believes what I am saying anyway.
? Don't forget to stop in Pakistan, and accidentally fly over Pakistan on the way back to Washington. Remind Air Force One pilot of the same.
? Exchange pleasantries with Pres. Musharaf and his Mrs. Don't show them copies of Danish Cartoons just because I think they are funny. Condi says the caricatures are blasphemous. Must look up the word 'blasphemous' in dictionary,?and the word 'caricature'.
? Don?t forget to give Pervez, his 'Bush meets Mush so Shush! ? 2006 Tour' T-shirt.
? If Pres. Musharaf asks regarding the delivery of the promised F-16s, tell him that they are on their way like the last 40 times he has asked. Find out from Condi, if these are the ones we ended up using in Iraq when we were running short.
? Give Pres. Musharaf a big hug for being such a good ally on my war on terror. Tell him to find some more Al Qaeda number 2s for us to hunt down, before we bomb the crap out another wrong target (killing innocent civilians) due to CIA's flawed guess work.
? Give a 'heads-up' to Musharaf regarding Iran, and remind him that we might use Pakistan's airspace during the planned attack so please don't target any of our jets, as they might be carrying tactical nukular weapons, and shooting them down would create hell of mess for both our countries.
? Remind Pres. Musharaf not to invite Cheney for his annual hunting expedition in Northern Pakistan. Dick is a bad shot, apparently.
? Remind Pres. Musharaf not to worry about my recent and continuously sinking approval rating back in the US. 34% approval (as per CBS poll) is not bad as it matches my IQ!
? Ask Condi if we can avoid our stop in Afghanistan. I am already feeling homesick.

Thank You Brahn. Yes I am getting very close and I was a little depressed about it until I went out for my B-day and was carded at the door. Giggling! I don't drink but it still felt very good. Sorry I haven't been around for awhile just got busy living life. Nothing exciting and no new love interests but I'm happy. It may just be my rosy disposition but I do believe this is my year. Good things are going to happen. How are you doing? How is everything in Virgo land?

Thank you Haffo! I hope all is well with you. I wish you a beautiful pisces year.
"even in marriage, the fish guy will pursue his individual ambitions even if they take him on solo excursion sor retreats far from his lady-wife"
-- This sounds very familiar LOL I worked with this fish who was actually my boss' son, anywho yeah he was always trying to get with me but it was no mystery that he talked to other girls. He told me that he still had feelings for someone else when he had gotten married and he still talked to her... it'd been a long time so I guess he got over it. But he had had other girlfriends while still married and it was very natural to him lol
He asked me out and wouldn't understand why it was such a big deal that he was married! He said that he wasn't looking to have sex with me if I didn't want to (right! lol) but of course he still had hopes and would love to be with me! NO secrets there that he'd love to have me as his mistress cuz he said that of course he'd never leave his wife but didn't see what was wrong with having girlfriends smile
Of course it was a grand joke and atleast he was entertaining.
We kept in touch and now talk quite often since he's giving me business, mo money and less work. What cracked me up the other day was that he invited me to go with him on his yearly trip... anywhere I wanted to... he's thinking europe but if I wanted elsewhere he'd take me. So I was like 'Ummmm that's nice...' 'but I have a better idea... how about taking your wife!' and he responded in such a cool manner 'I already took her last year' Well you know the guy needs to keep 'em rotating LOL So I was like 'you don't change huh' well you can't blame him for trying Winking
I can't think of other pisces like that though... but Schoe you're right, even the shy ones are creepy, like I've said before, I wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be mass murderers lol
Ur right CapGirl, I wasn't looking for advice, I was just updating. I already know what I'm going to do and I know that this child will be loved. That's that.
LeoWithCap, I will not have a cap. My due date is Nov 15, so he/she will be a scorpio.
As for you febpisces, you can say what u want. Everything you say is ur own opinion and doesn't matter to me. Keep ur sh#t somewhere else. U don't have to post on here, no one asked you to.
Oh oh mad bull... what happened? That is so typical of the bull to get fed up and leave for good refusing to hear anything else.