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Posted by WaterCup
MrDefence, its because "right hand man" aka side-kick = YUCK to us. Admitting being one is sort of intriguing. We are curious to know why would anybody ever be ok with that. Its curiosity thats all
Posted by seraph
Alright. It's time to walk away, ScorpioEV86. This isn't healthy. You don't seem right at all for each other. Even when drunk, the two of you somehow can't manage each other. You sure as hell aren't gonna do it sober.
On the one hand, you're enabling his behaviour by allowing it to continue (no doubt you're getting a self-esteem/"I feel needed" payoff), and he has deep-seated issues of his own (abusive mother, apparently, that he hasn't come to terms with, control issues with you, etc.) You did him a favour by pissing him off that night (or by putting him in a situation which allowed him to feign it and act the victim as a pretext for getting out), and he did *you* a favour by leaving.
If what you said is true, then let him deal with his mother's impending death in his own way - that is, *without* treating yo-yo-ing back and forth from you. In fact, a lot of what you're seeing might be connected to the grieving process that he's already begun, and likely struggling with. He is in anything but the frame of mind to give you what you think you need, and you're in no position to get sucked into his really imprudent way of expressing need and getting help. You're simply not equipped to handle it.
if you don't distance yourself *now*, you'll be on here regularly with newer versions of the same story.
Posted by LIBRA1234
Its quite simple but complicated at the same time. If you like him enough and u don't want to play games - call him and tell him u wanted to meet and have a little chat
If you think there is no future with this guy and your gut tells you he is off - move on and start meeting other guys...
Now u prob think it is more complicated than that, but trust me it isn't lol, relationships can be so simple as long as two people are on the SAME PAGE!
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