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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
I'm water dominant too but I'm ok... not sensitive at all. No problems cutting off feelings. I can be ice cold too. I choose to be hurt, there's no way another person can hurt me without my permission.
All in the 8th house and its also scorpio
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
The women in days of yesteryear (say the 1950s), just went on smiling and kept their chin up no matter what happened. Dignity, grace and pride kept them from bringing it out in the open. Women didn't have the options to leave then as we do today.
Most women were housewives and stay at home moms. A lot of them didn't have career opportunities or training, therefore, many of them didn't have a means to an end to support themselves. Furthermore, women were expected to "marry well" and if they married a scoundral, the culture viewed it as the woman should have chosen better.
Many of those women were cheated on. Abused and beat up. Mistreated. Wives of alcoholics. Etc. People just didn't hear about it. If they did, they didn't interfere. The women didn't talk to save face and embarrassment.
That said, there were and still are good men who don't cheat or abuse. They are out there - probably the majority of husbands, actually.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Oh, and I'm not lazy lol...aries ascendant here and lots of mars contacts in natal chart. I'm Speed Gonzalez
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Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
The ROOT cause lies in the spiritual realm.
Why people commit the crimes they do is because they yielded to the temptations that broke down their
strength to resist. The temptations came from all directions, over the course of their lives.
Some fought and fought and fought but they fell by the wayside.
The consequences bear heavily upon them and for many, physical manifests itself in the way
of these capital crimes of murder and murder/suicide and suicide.
But remember, their journey may have begun a lonnnnnng time before the final act is played.
Physically strong, yet spiritually weak.
The Spirit IS the Infrastructure and is why Psychological Warfare is favored over mechanized warfare.
Hard power is expended only after soft power has run it's course and objectives have not been
fulfilled to the satisfaction of the powers that be.
Once the soul is possessed, it can be controlled and as a consequence, the body, too, can be
The most foolish thing a man can ever do, is convince himself that he cannot be demonically possessed.
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Lmao @ King G. How are you, your highness?