Posted by CluelessCancerPosted by virgokingPosted by CluelessCancer
VirgoKing you didn't say if i am supposed to meet a Cancer man or not...
Any man with strong 4th house placements will do but a cancer mars may drive you crazy in love lol.
What does that mean..anybody with strong 4th house placements?click to expand
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Posted by P-Angel
I have to ask this question, though if it were true, you wouldn't be capable of knowing it .... are you mentally challenged?
Posted by TheLadySagittarius
Its tacky unless he brought it up b4 the date, like, ". Hey, got free movie tickets, wanna go with me?"...then I wouldnt mind so much.
Posted by libraCUSPscorpio
This is still going. What a bunch of fucking libras.
Posted by Caplove
Oh gosh, even though I'm a big old cheapo myself, I think on the first date, it would be a turn off.
Don't get me wrong, once we are officially a couple, I'm ALL about saving money and I like to think of ways so we don't even have to spend very much when we go out.
But at first, when I barely know the person, for me anyway, it feels like starting on the wrong foot. It also makes me wonder about how many dates this person goes on that they have to use coupons to help them out.
I like what Libra suggested though where the guy gives it to the waiter on the way to the bathroom so the date doesn't know.
Sun Cap
Moon Libra
Merc Sag
Venus Cap
Posted by everevolvingepithetPosted by EvilTurtlePosted by everevolvingepithet
People do that on here?
Plenty in someways this thread is a science experiment, so here it happens more often than not.
That's a good way of looking at it, or the site itself?click to expand
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