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Posted by R1g0rM0rT1sPosted by neuroticvirgo
Not sure how I ended up in the Scorpio forum; but I will say that I agree with what you're saying here. The reality (to me) is a man is going to leave or commit to you if he wants to and when you have sex with him will do little to sway that. I approach like this: I'm having sex because I want to have sex (you didn't Jedi mind trick me into it) so if you never call again then I'll take the emotional hit and keep it moving.
But I find a lot of views on DXP (not necessarily Tikis) to be a bit black & white.
my virgo ascendent drew you here
i guess the key thing is that whether they think you're a slapper or not is of no relevance if you had sex with them cos YOU wanted to. some of the best sex i've ever had has been one night only...no pining...no texting/emailing/facebooking...nada. i got what i wanted. if you want more? well that depends on if i do! if you don't, thanks for the memoryclick to expand
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think both points of view represented I this thread is valid... And yes women should not feel bad in the least bit about who, when, and how they have sex... long as it isn't related to wanting to be LIKE a man but more for what you desire logically, emotionally, w/e.... Will it mean you won't start developing emotionally attachment ehhh lie to yourself all you want I think it does.
Posted by R1g0rM0rT1sPosted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think both points of view represented I this thread is valid... And yes women should not feel bad in the least bit about who, when, and how they have sex... long as it isn't related to wanting to be LIKE a man but more for what you desire logically, emotionally, w/e.... Will it mean you won't start developing emotionally attachment ehhh lie to yourself all you want I think it does.
i only start to develop feelings if there's a second time cos that's why i wanna go again.click to expand
Posted by lisabethur8
Aww taurusbelle,thats a moving and sad story....its funny how our family moulds us all.
Posted by tizianiPosted by neuroticvirgo
Oh and for the record I hadn't had sex in over a year when I met him. But as soon as I met him I KNEW I had to have him! Just because you don't make CERTAIN guys wait doesn't mean ALL guys get to ride the train! Some people are just exceptions to the rule. Delicious, kinky, dirty, awesome exceptions to the rule...mmmmmmmmmmmm
Is this the guy where you're both in love with each other right now?click to expand
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