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Posted by CaplovePosted by ATreeGrowsInBrooklyn
I WANT him TrueCap, I do... but this process is excruciating... and I don't even know if I will come out of it with what I seek... which is HIM!!!
You know, I would just put him on a backburner and let him SIMMER a long while. Let him take his sweet time to make his "decision." He's still dragging his feet if hasn't asked you out yet. Don't do his job for him, you keep being your cool self and do your thing.
Let him do the work to get you. It's his turn to step up to the plate and show you who he really is. Right now, he's taking his time and thinking about it and fishing around, probably wants you to ask him out to be safe. I wouldn't do it, no way. You are being gracious by even allowing him back in your life (even if just as a friend).
And NO, I do not think it's too much to ask for him to say, "Hey, I'd like to take you to dinner." I mean come on! This is basic stuff. It is not marriage, it's just a date and he's still thinking about it?
If he's going to act exactly the same and not make his move then he doesn't know what he wants yet, if that's the case then you don't need to wait around for that. Well.. I should clarify this, I'm not saying to give up on him, just let him simmer away in that slow cooker, keep it friendly as usual. You, keep on doing your thing and enjoying yourself and having your fun. He's just not "done" yet.
Go out on dates and keep ALL your options open because you have a ton of them! You go out and have some fun and let him see how much fun you are having (he's hanging around for a reason!). He's fishing! Be that fun, confident woman, the one that men need to chase after because she's so busy with a life of her own.
click to expand
Posted by ScorpioFemale79
Ya but question is once we attract them intellectually. What next?
Posted by BlueSandCacoon
"Or he just thinks I wouldn't date a coworker. Because I do take work seriously and that's what I focus on but that doesn't mean u don't wanna socialize."
Maybe he's wary of you because you are too serious all the time?
Does he act the same way with other female coworkers?
Posted by truecapPosted by ScorpioFemale79
Ya but question is once we attract them intellectually. What next?
Let the kinkiness begin!! lol!click to expand
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